API samples following given specs.
Just use this online API
To convert between formats use:
./bin/api-spec-converter.sh $INFILE -f openapi_3 -t swagger_2 -s yaml > $OUTFILE
To convert all v3 files to v2, use:
find openapi-v3/ -name \*.yaml \
-exec bash -c 'I="{}"; ./bin/api-spec-converter.sh "$I" -f openapi_3 -t swagger_2 -s yaml > "${I//v3/v2}" ' \;
Some specs may be defined using yaml references (eg. to avoid repeating common headers and responses). While that's valid yaml, explicit is better than implicit. Those files should be exploded with:
make yaml
See https://github.com/perenecabuto/json_schema_generator
- SwaggerHub OpenAPI v3, v2 editor https://editor.swagger.io
- OpenAPI v3, v2 editor by Red Hat https://github.com/apicurio/apicurio-studio