eVY1 Scratch for Pokemiku(NSX-39) & ScrachMIDI with Timidity on Raspberry Pi Installer
Display Usage.
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s hoge
Invalid option
Usage: curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh
-> Install ScratchMIDI and Timidity(1Port) with so.MIDIPlugin
curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s miku
-> Install eVY1 Scratch for PokeMiku(NSX-39) with so.MIDIPlugin
curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s midi
-> Install ScratchMIDI with so.MIDIPlugin
curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s timidity
-> Install Timidity(1Port) only
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh
You need to reboot for changes to take effect
- Install patched so.MIDIPlugin
- Install Timidity & SoundFont
- Customize Timidity Configuration
- Change /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard)
- Install ScratchMIDI runtime environment(ScratchMIDI image & Desktop shortcut & Shell Script)
- Reboot Raspberry Pi
- Double click ScratchMIDI icon on desktop shortcut to start ScratchMIDI
- Let's play!
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s miku
- Install patched so.MIDIPlugin
- Install ja_eVY1.po
- Install eVY1 Scratch image & eVY1.desktop files
- Boot Raspberry Pi
- After the LXDE Desktop displayed, Connect NSX-39(Pocket Miku).
- Double click eVY1 Scratch icon on desktop shortcut to start eVY1 Scratch
- Click Sound category, Right Click "Play Note Block" and Select MIDI device.
- Let's play sample scratch project files (locate: /home/pi/eVY1RasPi/Projects )
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s midi
- Install patched so.MIDIPlugin
- Install ScratchMIDI runtime environment(ScratchMIDI image & Desktop shortcut & Shell Script)
- MIDI instruments connect to Raspberry Pi
- Double click ScratchMIDI icon on desktop shortcut to start ScratchMIDI
- Let's play!
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/scratchmidiinstall.sh | sh -s timidity
- Install Timitidy ( 1Port Configuration ) only
eVY1 Scratch : Kazuhiro Abe
Patched so.MIDIPlugin : Manabu Sugiura
Install eVY1RasPi Scratch.
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/pokemikuinstall.sh | sh
Download the Zip file from GitHub.
$ cd /home/pi
$ unzip master.zip
$ cd eVY1RasPi-master
$ cat localinstall.sh | sh
Overwrite or Copy files:
- so.MIDIPlugin
- ja_eVY1.po
- eVY1.desktop
$ cd /home/pi
$ curl https://naominix.github.io/timidityinstall.sh | sh
You need to reboot for changes to take effect
- Install Timidity & SoundFont
- Customize Timidity Configuration
- Change /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard)