Torrenter is a lightweight and feature-rich BitTorrent client. It features a clutter-free and modern GUI that is consistent across all platforms.
As of now, the only way to install Torrenter is to build from source. We are working on releasing pre-built distributions for Linux, macOS, and Windows. A Cargo package is also in progress.
Ensure that you have the following tools/libraries installed before starting the build process:
- Rust
- Clang or GCC with C++17 support.
- CMake for the build system.
- Boost development library.
- libssl and libcrypto, both open-source libraries housed in the OpenSSL Project repository.
The primary dependency, libtorrent, should be automatically downloaded and built by the build script.
Run the following command to initiate the build process:
cargo build --release
cargo build
if you want to build for development purposes.
A Docker file is also housed in this repository to build for Linux.
Building this Docker image produces a standalone executable of Torrenter:
docker build --target prod .
Replace the target prod with dev if you want a development build.
You can then copy the executable into a Linux environment with Windowing system (such as X11 or Wayland) supported by
Run the following command to create a Docker container out of your image and copy the executable from it:
id=$(docker create <image-name>)
docker cp $id:/torrenter .