I’m currently working on Helix Application. This is targeted at community student-driven software. We are working on first phase.
I’m working on Frontend Development, especially Next JS
I graduated on Bsc in Computer Science, from NSTU Bangladesh.
Employed as Software Engineer, Bangladeshi IT Firm Softbd ltd
I am connected to an open source mindset organization, this is a small team, working on product for university & collage student mentorship program. Tech Twig
My simple showcasing Portfolio
Projects | Description | Used Technology | Live Link |
Ecom microservice | This is e-commerce-driven microservice pet project. here we have 5 services & tools used for different functionalities. | Express, Typescript, Docker, Postgres, Keyclock, Konga, RabbitMq, Redis | Github Link |
Link sharing app | This is dev link share app, a challenge from frontendMentors. This full-stack app has user authentication, link editor, profile update and dev link preview page. I also include testing. | NextJS 14, Mongoose, React hook form, Yup, Typescript, Jest | Live Link Github Link |
Movie Wave | We crafted a modern movie showcasing platform featuring a captivating movie landing page and an intuitive checkout page for a seamless user experience. | NextJS, Tailwindcss, ResponsiveCSS | Live Link Github Link |
Street Food Rest Api | Express backend rest api service where user can search menu, adding to cart, placed order. Admin can manage menu, cart, orders. | Express, TypeORM, Mysql, Jest | Github Link |
Bookmark | Bookmark is a modern-looking e-commerce application where buyers and visitors have a lot more interactions. Here, visitors can use this site as usual e-commerce. | NextJS, Strapi-CMS, RTK | Live Link Github Link |
☕ Connect with me!
Last Edited on: 11/11/2024