- This plugin use
, so please install it and setup runtimepath. if already installed fzf in your environment, then unnecessary this step.
# Install fzf
$ git clone https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git $HOME/.fzf
" In .vimrc
Plug '$HOME/.fzf'
- Install this plugin.
Plug 'n04ln/yankee.vim'
- setup
. This variable is an Array of the name of target buffers. There are used by this plugin.
let g:yankee_buf_list = ['"b', '"c', '"f', '"h']
- Complete 🎉
In Visual mode, when press <C-y>y
, yank text to one of the g:yankee_buf_list
In Normal mode, when press <C-y>p
, paste text with fzf (plz choose it).