A React/Redux app which let's clients search for their favorite subreddits and get their posts.
This React/Redux app uses the Reddit JSON API to let clients search any subreddit's name and get their posts; including the author's username, number of upvotes, and number of comments.
Project is created with:
- React v17.0.2
- Redux 4.1.2
- React-Redux v7.2.6
- @Reduxjs/Toolkit v1.7.0
- Lodash v4.17.21
- npm v6.14.15
- VSCode 1.63.1
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd ../reddix
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Get the Hot posts of the searched subreddit
- View the author's name, number of comments, and number of upvotes
Useful for getting the posts from a subreddit without the need to visit Reddit and load unnecessary content.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Created by n-ii-ma
Feel free to contact me!