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ROMS Matlab Processing Scripts



**Copyright (c) 2002-2025 The ROMS Group **

License: MIT


The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) framework is intended for users interested in ocean modeling. Please check for instructions on registering into the ROMS community and downloading its source code and test repositories.

This repository contains useful Matlab scripts that can be used for configuring ROMS applications and pre-and post-processing input and output data.

Tools Description
4dvar ROMS 4D-Var data assimilation observations processing
bathymetry ROMS bathymetry extraction and processing
bin CSH and BASH scripts
boundary ROMS lateral boundaries conditions processing
coastlines ROMS application coastline processing
colormaps Color palettes for plotting
coupling Coupling melding weights to combine DATA and ESM components
forcing ROMS atmospheric fields processing
grid ROMS application grid processing
initial ROMS initial conditions processing
ioda ROMS-JEDI data assimilation observations in IODA format
landmask ROMS application grid land/sea mask processing
mex Deprecated NetCDF interface to Matlab
netcdf Usefull NetCDF processing scripts
m_map Mapping package for Matlab developed at UBC
seagrid Deprecated ROMS grid generation tool
seawater CSIRO Seawater library functions
tidal_ellipse Tidal parameter conversion
t_tide ROMS tidal forcing processing
utility Miscellaneous ROMS processing and plotting scripts

Notice that other Matlab and Python tools are available in the ocean community and can be used to process ROMS data. It is up to the user to select the ones more appropriate for their applications. However, some grid and utility sub-directories scripts are the official version of ROMS for computing numerical kernel configurations and fields.


Use the following command to download the ROMS Matlab repository:

git clone

The doxygen version of ROMS is available at:

The WikiROMS documentation and tutorials portal is available at: