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[EMCAL-565, EMCAL-566]: Differentiate between run type and max time d…
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…ifference for loading of calib hists (AliceO2Group#12848)

- Online calibration relies on saving and loading the calibration histograms at the EOR (SOR)
- However, the old objects should not be loaded if the run type (calib, physics etc.) differes, or if the time difference between the old object and the current data taking is too long
- Now, the root file storing the objects is named differently, depending on the run type
- The old timestamp (in hours) is stored in the file itself and then loaded at SOR and compared to the current ts
- The fill Nr is stored in the file and an option is implemented to only load calibration objects if the fill is the same as for the old object
- All parameters are configurable in the Calib Params

Co-authored-by: jokonig <[email protected]>
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2 people authored and mwinn2 committed Apr 25, 2024
1 parent 907b133 commit acb86e8
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Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ struct EMCALCalibParams : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<EMCALCalibPar
std::string selectedClassMasks = "C0TVX-B-NOPF-EMC"; ///< name of EMCal min. bias trigger that is used for calibration
int bcShiftCTP = 0; ///< bc shift of CTP digits to align them with EMC bc in case they are misaligned
std::string filePathSave = "./emc_calib"; ///< path where calibration histograms are stored at EOR to save them for the next run
bool requireSameFill = false; ///< if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be in the same fill as the current one
bool requireSameRunType = true; ///< if loading calib objects from previous run, require it to be the same run type
int tsDiffMax = 48; ///< if loading calib objects from previous run, limit time between the object being stored and loaded again (in hours)

// old parameters. Keep them for a bit (can be deleted after september 5th) as otherwise ccdb and o2 version might not be in synch
unsigned int minNEvents = 1e7; ///< minimum number of events to trigger the calibration
Expand All @@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ struct EMCALCalibParams : public o2::conf::ConfigurableParamHelper<EMCALCalibPar
bool enableTestMode = false; ///< enable test mode for calibration
float minCellEnergyForTimeCalib = 0.5; ///< minimum cell energy to enter the time calibration (typical minimum seed energy for clusters), time resolution gets better with rising energy
unsigned int slotLength = 0; ///< Lenght of the slot before calibration is triggered. If set to 0 calibration is triggered when hasEnoughData returns true
bool UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly = false; ///< switsch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run
bool UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly = false; ///< switch to enable trigger of calibration only at end of run
int minTimeForFit = -300; ///< minimum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int maxTimeForFit = 300; ///< maximum cell time considered for the time calibration in ns
int restrictFitRangeToMax = 25; ///< window around the largest entry within the minTimeForFit in which the fit is performed in ns
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#include "EMCALBase/Geometry.h"
#include "CCDB/CcdbObjectInfo.h"
#include "EMCALCalib/CalibDB.h"
#include "DataFormatsParameters/GRPECSObject.h"

#include "Framework/Logger.h"
#include "CommonUtils/MemFileHelper.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,12 +101,27 @@ class EMCALChannelCalibrator : public o2::calibration::TimeSlotCalibration<DataI

bool setGainCalibrationFactors(o2::emcal::GainCalibrationFactors* gainCalibFactors);

/// \brief Set current fill number
/// \param fn fill number
void setFillNr(int fn) { mFillNr = fn; }

/// \brief Set current run type
/// \param rt tun type
void setRunType(o2::parameters::GRPECSObject::RunType rt) { mRunType = rt; }

/// \brief Set current timestamp obtained from data
/// \param ts timestamp in hours
void setCurrTSInHours(int ts) { mStartTSCalib = ts; }

int mNBins = 0; ///< bins of the histogram for passing
float mRange = 0.; ///< range of the histogram for passing
bool mTest = false; ///< flag to be used when running in test mode: it simplify the processing (e.g. does not go through all channels)
bool mSaveAtEOR = false; ///< flag to pretend to have enough data in order to trigger the saving of the calib histograms for loading them at the next run
bool mLoadAtSOR = false; ///< flag weather to load the calibration histograms from the previous run at the SOR
int mNBins = 0; ///< bins of the histogram for passing
float mRange = 0.; ///< range of the histogram for passing
bool mTest = false; ///< flag to be used when running in test mode: it simplify the processing (e.g. does not go through all channels)
bool mSaveAtEOR = false; ///< flag to pretend to have enough data in order to trigger the saving of the calib histograms for loading them at the next run
bool mLoadAtSOR = false; ///< flag weather to load the calibration histograms from the previous run at the SOR
o2::parameters::GRPECSObject::RunType mRunType = o2::parameters::GRPECSObject::RunType::NONE; ///< Run type needed if previous calibration is loaded.
int mFillNr = 0; ///< fill nr. needed if previous calibration is loaded.
int mStartTSCalib = -1; ///< First timestamp for calibration. Needed to check if calibration data from previous slot should be loaded
std::shared_ptr<EMCALCalibExtractor> mCalibrator;

// output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +265,9 @@ bool EMCALChannelCalibrator<DataInput, DataOutput>::saveLastSlotData(TFile& fl)
auto& slot =;
DataInput* c = slot.getContainer();

// timestamp in hours
int timeNow = static_cast<int>(o2::ccdb::getCurrentTimestamp() / o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo::HOUR);

if constexpr (std::is_same<DataInput, o2::emcal::EMCALChannelData>::value) {
auto hist = c->getHisto();
auto histTime = c->getHistoTime();
Expand All @@ -257,20 +276,36 @@ bool EMCALChannelCalibrator<DataInput, DataOutput>::saveLastSlotData(TFile& fl)
TH2F hTime = o2::utils::TH2FFromBoost(histTime, "histTime");
TH1D hNEvents("hNEvents", "hNEvents", 1, 0, 1);
hNEvents.SetBinContent(1, c->getNEvents());
TH1I hGlobalProperties("hGlobalProperties", "hGlobalProperties", 3, -0.5, 2.5);
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "Fill nr.");
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "run type");
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "ts in hours");
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(1, mFillNr);
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(2, mRunType);
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(3, timeNow);;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same<DataInput, o2::emcal::EMCALTimeCalibData>::value) {
auto histTime = c->getHisto();
TH2F hTime = o2::utils::TH2FFromBoost(histTime);
TH1D hNEvents("hNEvents", "hNEvents", 1, 0, 1);
hNEvents.SetBinContent(1, c->getNEvents());
TH1I hGlobalProperties("hGlobalProperties", "hGlobalProperties", 3, -0.5, 2.5);
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "Fill nr.");
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "run type");
hGlobalProperties.GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "ts in hours");
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(1, mFillNr);
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(2, mRunType);
hGlobalProperties.SetBinContent(3, timeNow);;

return true;
Expand All @@ -296,6 +331,31 @@ bool EMCALChannelCalibrator<DataInput, DataOutput>::adoptSavedData(const o2::cal
auto& slot =;
DataInput* c = slot.getContainer();

// check run type and fill
TH1I* hGlobalProperties = (TH1I*)fl.Get("GlobalProperties");
if (!hGlobalProperties) {
LOG(error) << "GlobalProperties histogram not found. Will not load previous calibration histograms";
} else {
int fillNr = hGlobalProperties->GetBinContent(1);
int runType = hGlobalProperties->GetBinContent(2);
int tsOld = hGlobalProperties->GetBinContent(3);
int tsDiff = (mStartTSCalib > 0 ? mStartTSCalib : static_cast<int>(o2::ccdb::getCurrentTimestamp() / o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo::HOUR)) - tsOld; // get current timestamp if mStartTSCalib is not set
LOG(debug) << "tsOld " << tsOld << " tsNow " << (mStartTSCalib > 0 ? mStartTSCalib : static_cast<int>(o2::ccdb::getCurrentTimestamp() / o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo::HOUR)) << " tsDiff " << tsDiff;

if (EMCALCalibParams::Instance().requireSameRunType && runType != static_cast<int>(mRunType)) {
LOG(info) << "adoptSavedData: Same run type required but run types differ: " << runType << " != " << static_cast<int>(mRunType);
return false;
if (EMCALCalibParams::Instance().requireSameFill && fillNr != mFillNr) {
LOG(info) << "adoptSavedData: Same fill nr. required but fills differ: " << fillNr << " != " << mFillNr;
return false;
if (EMCALCalibParams::Instance().tsDiffMax > 0 && (EMCALCalibParams::Instance().tsDiffMax < tsDiff || tsDiff < 0)) {
LOG(info) << "adoptSavedData: Maximum difference in ts is: " << EMCALCalibParams::Instance().tsDiffMax << " but " << tsDiff << " is given";
return false;

if constexpr (std::is_same<DataInput, o2::emcal::EMCALChannelData>::value) {
TH2D* hEnergy = (TH2D*)fl.Get("EnergyVsCellID");
TH2D* hTime = (TH2D*)fl.Get("TimeVsCellID");
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Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,9 @@ class EMCALChannelCalibDevice : public o2::framework::Task

if (!mIsConfigured) {
// configure calibrators (after calib params are loaded from the CCDB)
// long tsMS = o2::base::GRPGeomHelper::instance().getOrbitResetTimeMS() +<o2::framework::TimingInfo>().firstTForbit * o2::constants::lhc::LHCOrbitMUS / 1000; // this reads the ts from the data.
long tsMS = o2::ccdb::getCurrentTimestamp();
mIsConfigured = true;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,14 +417,22 @@ class EMCALChannelCalibDevice : public o2::framework::Task

/// \brief Configure calibrators from the calib params
void configureCalibrators()
void configureCalibrators(long ts)
auto currFill = o2::base::GRPGeomHelper::instance().getGRPLHCIF()->getFillNumber();
auto runtype = o2::base::GRPGeomHelper::instance().getGRPECS()->getRunType();
LOG(debug) << "currFill " << currFill << " runtype " << runtype;

if (mTimeCalibrator) {
LOG(info) << "Configuring time calibrator";
if (EMCALCalibParams::Instance().UpdateAtEndOfRunOnly_tc) {
mTimeCalibrator->setSaveFileName("emc-time-calib-" + std::to_string(runtype) + ".root");
mTimeCalibrator->setCurrTSInHours(static_cast<int>(ts / o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo::HOUR));
if (mBadChannelCalibrator) {
LOG(info) << "Configuring bad channel calibrator";
Expand All @@ -431,6 +441,10 @@ class EMCALChannelCalibDevice : public o2::framework::Task
mBadChannelCalibrator->setSaveFileName("emc-channel-calib-" + std::to_string(runtype) + ".root");
mBadChannelCalibrator->setCurrTSInHours(static_cast<int>(ts / o2::ccdb::CcdbObjectInfo::HOUR));
}; // namespace calibration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,7 +496,7 @@ DataProcessorSpec getEMCALChannelCalibDeviceSpec(const std::string calibType, co

auto ccdbRequest = std::make_shared<o2::base::GRPGeomRequest>(true, // orbitResetTime
true, // GRPECS=true
false, // GRPLHCIF
true, // GRPLHCIF
false, // GRPMagField
false, // askMatLUT
o2::base::GRPGeomRequest::None, // geometry
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