Welcome to the Get_HTML_Table_with_R wiki!
This is a simple repository to demonstrate how you can extract data from a HTML page.
The HTML table is something like this:
If you are using a MAC just like me, you can install R easily from terminal simply by:
brew tap homebrew/science brew install r
or download installer package from https://www.r-project.org/
After installation on the terminal again type
to start R and install XML library with this command:
after XML package is installed
you can run html2R.R script with
Rscript /users/mustafa_alpay/Desktop/html2R.R
and the output will be something like this:
mustafas-iMac:~ mustafa_alpay$ Rscript /users/mustafa_alpay/Desktop/html2R.R
Loading required package: methods
Name Item Name Item Price
1 Alvin Eclair $0.87
2 Alan Jellybean $3.76
3 Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
4 Shannon KitKat $9.99
That's all.