See all the bacon lovers around the world!
Plots in a world map the tweets that mention the word bacon and have geoposition information. A basic Clojure web app using ring/compojure for the backend and Clojurescript for the client. A small sunday project I coded for ClojureCup2013.
To use twitter's Streaming API you need to register an app to obtain the API keys. Once you have them, create twitter.edn in config/ to store a map like:
{:consumer-key "BLABLABLA"
:consumer-secret "BLABLABLA"
:token "BLABLABLA"
:token-secret "BLABLABLA"}
Then run normally with:
lein run
Copyright © 2013 Javier Dolcet
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.