released this
03 Nov 19:22
1.1.0 (2019-11-03)
Bug Fixes
alacritty: Reduce intensity of red color (3c3f3e1 ), closes #2
backup: Change location to ~/.backups/dotfiles (c3b2102 )
bash: Use '/usr/bin/env bash' in shebang (7b11546 )
directory: Remove ~/tools from creation steps (806d7e8 )
git: Change reflog hash color to magenta (57377f2 )
inputrc: Restore completion behaviour in vim mode (16b3daf )
mupdf: Uninstall from Nix (c5ae145 )
neovim: Dim FilePath background color in statusline (34d1f54 )
neovim: Remove deoplete plugin (d963926 )
pinentry: Use pinentry instead of pinentry_qt5 (bb11be9 )
setup: Use HTTPS link as origin URL (8f66cd3 )
shell: Append commands to PROMPT_COMMAND (5ae7ac4 )
shell: Fix bash vi-mode with fzf (faf5af5 )
shell: Ignore commands beginning with spaces from history (741bbca )
shell: Revert Append commands to PROMPT_COMMAND (085a334 )
shell: Revert Ignore commands beginning with spaces from history (b47f180 )
ssh: Fix ssh-agent forwarding (719d56b )
bash: Install v5 on Nix (10656bf )
buku: Define colorscheme (cc883a4 )
buku: Install on Nix (dedefb8 )
cmus: Define colorscheme and keybindings (a05908a )
cmus: Install on Nix (824d389 )
completion: Add password-store bash script (e4a57d7 )
directory: Create and harden ~/.credentials (f06ef16 )
inputrc: Set vim editing mode in readline (ce0f35a )
mdcat: Install on Nix (4fae274 )
ncdu: Install on Nix (2ebf4fe )
neovim: Add Conquer of Completion (coc) plugin (c29fc95 )
neovim: Add vifm plugin (ab49e41 )
profile.d: Add gnupg boot script (2fb9731 )
shell: Record timestamp in bash history (170383c )
tmux: Bind v to visual selection in vim mode (8d23b6b )
vifm: Add vifmrc and sane colorscheme (f168a2a )
vifm: Install on Nix (7f38546 )
vim: Set textwidth to 72 to wrap long lines (1b7dd82 )
watchexec: Install on Nix (4f5797d )
zathura: Install on Nix (f7fa03c )
Performance Improvements
shell: Alias 'please' - sudo on last command (24b97e1 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.