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Jon Crain edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 4 revisions


If you're hosting MunkiReport on an IIS server, and you're not able to change the document root to /public, there's a possibility to serve the site from a different directory.

To pull this off, you need two directories:

  • munkireport which contains only a web.config file
  • munkireport-sources or another name, that contains the munkireport source files.

In the web.config file you will point to the public folder in the munkireport-sources directory. You will need to adjust the config file as automatic detection of the proper path fails. Add the following to .env:


Below is the content of web.config, make changes as necessary.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <rule name="my-first-url-rule" stopProcessing="true">
            <match url="^(.*)$" />
            <action type="Rewrite" url="/munkireport_sources/public/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />
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