Munkireport 2.7.2
2.7.2 (December 12, 2015)
- Fix Delete machine (which was broken in the 2.7.1 release) thanks to @gmarnin
- RESTified all widgets
- Tags input
- Warranty check removed (can't use that anymore since Apple put a captcha on the status page)
- FileVault status widget
- Event module - collects events and shows them on the dashboard
- Crashplan module
- New client graph
- Printer module thanks to @gmarnin
- German translation thanks to @fridomac
- Support for curl headers (and authentication) thanks to @morgant
This version requires php version 5.3 minimum
By default, only three modules are enabled. To enable more modules, please read
People with a custom dashboard file need to add the following line before the footer otherwise some widgets may not show any data:
<script src="<?php echo conf('subdirectory'); ?>assets/js/munkireport.autoupdate.js"></script>
If you upgrade from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
For more info about upgrading, visit
- If you come from a previous release and you want to add new report items, you have to push your clients a new pkg installer.