Munkireport 2.2.0
2.2.0 (Februari 8, 2015)
- Migration script 003_machine_add_cpu.php (thanks to @choules)
- TLSv1 support (thanks to @joshua-d-miller)
- OS version is now stored as INTEGER for better sorting/comparing
- Create installer pkg for MR-PHP (thanks to @znerol)
- NVD3 charting library added (with one included graph showing the growth of your munki flock over time)
If you upgrade from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
For more info about upgrading, visit
- If you come from a previous release and you want to add new report items, you have to push your clients a new pkginfo file.