ATLAS Athena package to save calorimeter clusters as images, with normalized cell energies as pixel values. Six images are saved for each cluster, corresponding to the barrels layers of the EM (EMB1, EMB2, EMB3) and HAD calorimeters (TileBar0, TileBar2, TileBar3). The image size is 0.4x0.4 in eta-phi space. Images are generated from ESD (Event Summary Data).
For questions please contact: joakim.olsson[at]
Using release 20
mkdir MLTreeAthenaAnalysis; cd MLTreeAthenaAnalysis git clone setupATLAS #asetup,AtlasProduction,here asetup,AtlasProduction,here lsetup panda cmt find_packages && cmt compile
Using release 21
Follow instructions for sparse checkout; this is a clunky way to get the athena/Projects directory structure.
mkdir MLTreeAthenaAnalysis; cd MLTreeAthenaAnalysis
lsetup git
git atlas init-workdir
Clone this git repository and create a package filter so athena knows to compile it
git clone athena/MLTree
echo "+ MLTree" > package_filters.txt
echo "- .*" >> package_filters.txt
Now setup for an out-of-source build
mkdir build; cd build
asetup 21.3,latest,Athena
cmake -DATLAS_PACKAGE_FILTER_FILE=../package_filters.txt ../athena/Projects/WorkDir
This requires that input test files exist, which is specified in
mkdir run; cd run
athena MLTree/
A script for launching grid jobs with different input files is available here:
python python/ --user <user>