implementation of various radiance fields in C++
- clone this repo:
- git clone
- cd LiteRF
- clone submodules:
- git submodule init && git submodule update
- use Cmake to build project:
- mkdir cmake-build-release && cd cmake-build-release
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
- make -j 8
clone and build kernel_slicer ( in some directory
find and use VS Code config 'Launch (LiteRF)' in 'kernel_slicer/.vscode/launch.json':
- you need to change all paths to your LiteRF sources
- launch kernel_slicer with this config
- you can make you own command line script if don't like VS Code configs
- alternatively you can use bash/bat scripts:
- bash my/path/kernel_slicer/cmake-build-release/kslicer my/path/to/kernel_slicer (once)
- bash bash
build shaders:
- cd example_tracer/shaders_generated && bash
- or use record 'Build Shaders (GLSL, example_tracer)' in vs code config 'tasks.json': just press 'Ctr+Shift+B'
use Cmake to build project with 'USE_VULKAN' flag == 'ON':
- mkdir cmake-build-release && cd cmake-build-release
- make -j 8
- Note that the program will seek for 'example_tracer/shaders_generated/kernel2D_RayMarch.comp.spv'
- Therefore you have to run it from LiteRF root folder (what is done by default in VS Code config) or copy appropriate SPIR-V file to get 'cmake-build-release/example_tracer/shaders_generated/kernel2D_RayMarch.comp.spv'