This is a simplistic tool for viewing the space vector diagrams of an induction machine in different static operational modes. Unlike in a regular textbook diagram, the modes can be continuously changed by the viewer. This might help build a better intuition of the relationship between different values.
The value relationships are calculated using a conventional transformer equivalent circuit of the asynchronous machine.
A full description of the tool and the background equations can be found in: M. Stunda, "A Space Vector Based Tool for the Visualisation of Induction Machine Operation Modes," 2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia, 2019, pp. 1-5.
It should be noted that the animated movement doesn't represent transient dynamics as the transient components are eliminated from the model for lightweight operation.
The user has access to two sliders:
- The (internally regulated) quadrature component of the stator current
- The (externally enforced) actual rotor speed.
The output vector diagram and operational quadrant diagram only represent steady state operation in the base speed range.
This is a recording of cycling through all four quadrants using the two sliders.
The slip frequency is displayed as a vector on the right side to simbolyze the direction of the slip.
The graphical interface is built using Python 3.7 and the TkInter library.
The approach taken here to continously refresh and draw the TkInter canvas is fairly awkward. A slightly more reasonable approach was adopted in the second part of this project.
For a quick and easy isolated Python 3.x setup the Miniconda installer (not full Anaconda) and the Spyder IDE can be recommended. After installing miniconda Spyder can be installed through the Anaconda Prompt by running:
conda install spyder
If not yet installed, the following Python packages will be required:
- math for calculating the rotating Hexagon
- tk for building the GUI.