Beta Release v1.1
- Disabled AUDITSYSCALL for SELinux, reduces logging, which speeds up performance.
- Added Magisk 26.3 patched init_boot.img, so flashing Magisk is not needed. The Magisk APK file is here:
- Added KonaBess patched GPU table which undervolts all frequencies by 1 clock regulator, lowering power use. Top clock OC to 730mhz.
- All mods are installed via an AnyKernel3 zip file, flash via TWRP or via a kernel manager such as EXKM.
REQUIRES: Kernel version = 5.15.78-android13, Android security patch level = August 1, 2023 - note the file only appears to work on the S23 base series.
IF YOU AREN'T ON THE AUGUST SECURITY PATCH, or a base S23: you can flash just the boot.img, it doesn't patch Magisk or the GPU table, however.
BACKUP: boot.img, init_boot.img, vendor_boot.img