VDSM is a daemon component written in Python required by oVirt-Engine (Virtualization Manager), which runs on Linux hosts and manages and monitors the host's storage, memory and networks as well as virtual machine creation/control, statistics gathering, etc. '''VDSM Fake''' is a support application framework for oVirt Engine project. It is a Java web application which enables to simulate selected tasks of real VDSM. But, tens or hundreds of simulated Linux hosts and virtual machines can be reached with very limited set of hardware resources. The aim is to get marginal performance characteristics of oVirt Engine JEE application (JBoss) and its repository database (PostgreSQL), but also network throughput, etc.
The basic idea is that the fake host addresses must resolve to a single IP address ( is also possible for all-in-one performance testing server configuration). Standard HTTP port 54321 must be accessible from the Engine. You can use /etc/hosts file on the server with oVirt-Engine or company DNS server. Instead of host IP address it is needed to specify fake host name.
Apache XML-RPC library is a core technology for the Engine and VDSM communication.
Many configured entities must be persisted after their creation. Simple Java object serialization is used for this
purpose. They are stored in /var/log/fakevdsm/cache
by default. Set the system porperty ${cacheDir}
to customize
the location.
This skips installation when adding VDSM hosts.
sudo -i -u postgres
export ENGINE_DB=dbname
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' where option_name = 'InstallVds';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'true' WHERE option_name = 'UseHostNameIdentifier';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = '0' WHERE option_name = 'HostPackagesUpdateTimeInHours';"
In case you need to disable SSL encryption, run the following queries (on engine):
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' WHERE option_name = 'SSLEnabled';"
psql $ENGINE_DB -c "UPDATE vdc_options set option_value = 'false' WHERE option_name = 'EncryptHostCommunication';"
Restart the engine after the values were set.
- In general the following action will generate certs to vdsmfake.
- Make sure you do this in a protected directory, as the key should be in vdsm.
mkdir -p "$keys" "$requests"
chmod 700 "$keys"
openssl genrsa -out "$key" -passout "pass:$pass" -des3 2048
openssl req -new -days 365 -key "$key" -out "$req" -passin "pass:$pass" -passout "pass:$pass" -batch -subj "/"
scp $req <ovirt_user>@<ovirt_host>/<ovirt_dir>/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/requests/
# Whatever you want
"<ovirt_engine_dir>/bin/pki-enroll-request.sh --name=\"$cer_req_name\" --subject=\"$subject\""
#The cert will be created in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/$cer_req_name.cer .
quartz pool size This setting can be changed in ovirt-engine.xml.in and the option name is org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount After the change it is required to restart the engine
db connection pool size This setting can be chanegd in ovirt-engine.conf and the option name is ENGINE_DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS It requires additional changes in /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf and the option name is max_connections After above changes it is required to restart postgresql and the engine.
git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-vdsmfake.git
cd ovirt-vdsmfake
mvn jetty:run
git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-vdsmfake.git
cd ovirt-vdsmfake
mvn jetty:run -DjsonListenPort=54322 -DvdsmPort=54321
Here we are flipping the XML-RPC and the JSON-RPC ports, so that the engine will find the XML-RPC server on the default
vdsm port 54321
git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-vdsmfake.git
docker build -t vdsmfake .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -p54321:54321 vdsmfake
sudo -i
for i in `seq 0 10`; do echo test$i >> /etc/hosts; done
Use dnsmasq
for more dynamic approach to make every X.vdsm.simulator resolve to an IP:
dnsmasq --address=/vdsm.simulator/
Add as a dns server:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
function add_host {
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -X POST --user $1 http://localhost:8080/ovirt-engine/api/hosts --data "$xml"
for i in `seq 0 10`; do add_host admin@internal:mypwd test$i; done
The application runs in 2 modes:
- simulation
- proxy to real VDSM
All XML/Json requests/responses are optionally logged into the default path /var/log/vakevdsm/
. Set the
system property ${logDir} to customize the location. Log4j logs into this directory too.
- create hosts
- create/attach/activate DATA/EXPORT/ISO NFS storage domains
- create VM from iso (+ create network, create volume)
- run/shutdown VM
- migrate VM
VDSM fake can be used to simulate two architectures: ppc64 or x86_64. To do so set the system property ${architectureType} to one of the following values: ppc64 or x86_64.
mvn jetty:run -DarchitectureType=ppc64
This property is optional. The default architecture type is x86_64 and is set in web.xml. If no architecture type is provided the default architecture will be used.
VDSM Fake is a Maven configured project. Source code:
- git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-vdsmfake.git
The maven-tomcat7-plugin can generate a standalone war file for you which will unclude a Tomcat7 server. First create the standalone.jar file:
mvn package
Then run the application:
java -jar target/standalone.jar -DcacheDir=target/fakevdsm/cache -DlogDir=target/fakevdsm/log
Run mvn package
and copy the file target/vdsmfake.war into the deployment
folder of your favourite application server.
Default values for cacheDir and logDir are:
- /var/log/vdsmfake/cache
- /var/log/vdsmfake/log
Executing mvn jetty:run
is enough. You can find the logs and the cached
entities inside of ${project.basedir}/target/fakevdsm
- Generate WAR and standalone archive: mvn package
- Run sample web server: mvn jetty:run
To make it easy to see if performance test results for ovirt-engine are tainted by this application, all JSON requests are monitored. First, to see if the response preparations from vdsmfake are reasonable fast, they are monitored. These metrics have the postfix .Prepare. Second, to see how fast the data is transfered and accepted by ovirt-engine, the send time is monitored. Metrics representing the send time have the postfix .Send.
Hystrix Metrics can be accessed on http://localhost:54322/hystrix.stream with Jetty and on http://localhost:8080/hystrix.stream in the standalone version with Tomcat.
Further all metrics are exposed in 'com.netflix.servo' in JMX. They only become visible after the first hystrix command was executed.
Finally exporting metrics to Graphite is possible too. By default it is disabled.
Setting the sytem property graphite.url
to the graphite destionation server
enables the export mechanism. With the system property graphite.interval
export interval in seconds can be specified. By default the export will happen
every 15 seconds. For example
mvn clean jetty:run -Dgraphite.url=localhost:2003 -Dgraphite.interval=20
exports hystrix metrics every 20 seconds to the graphite database at
An easy way to get Graphite and Grafana up and running is docker:
docker run -d -p 8070:80 -p 2003:2003 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 \
--name grafana-dashboard choopooly/grafana-graphite
Graphite will listen on localhost:2003
and Grafana at localhost:8070
. The
metrics prefix is vdsmfake
This application uses Netflix Servo for the export. Here is a nice post about how to do the same thing with Dropwizard.