Java 8 implementation of classic Unix fortunes.
I wrote it, because I needed something that required at least JDK8 in order to force migration of some corporate code to the latest JDK. Parsing fortune files does not require any JDK8 features, but as soon as it is added to the codebase, no earlier version of Java can be used to compile it, and that's the whole point. No one will be able to roll your JDK version back.
The implementation is quite defensive and in case anything goes wrong, the default fortune is going to be generated. No worries, no exceptions. Also, you do not have to change any significant parts of your corporate app to enforce JDK8, so the risk is really negligible.
Just copy-paste the only implementation file to your codebase, changing the package on your way. The "main" method can obviously be deleted, if not needed. Any fortunes file can be used. The one included in this project under ./data is the exact copy of
Fortune selection is pseudo-random and the likehood of picking up a given fortune is directly proportional to its length. Memory mapped files are used for performance. Maximum fortune file size is Integer.MAX_VALUE. This implementation is to an extent based on