This is a backend repository for platform.
- Searching images based on text using CLIP model
- What is a text embedding and how to use it for text search
- Image similarity search based on embeddings and sentence_transformers
- What is actually a neural network?
- Vector similarity search using Redis Stack
- Efficient vector similarity search with Annoy library based on ANN
- Improving Sphinxsearch performance with attributes indexes
- Enabling data at rest encryption in Mysql
- Converting strings to numbers in ClickHouse
- How to manage ingesting errors in ClickHouse
- How to merge large tables in ClickHouse using join
- How to use Regex to feed text data to ClickHouse
- Formatting unstructured data using OpenAI API and Python
- Quick start OpenAI API example using Python
- Using Sphinx to add full-text search to Clickhouse
- How to use multiple disks in Clickhouse
- What is a function derivative and how to optimize functions
- Matrices and vectors math for AI with Python examples
- Creating a bigram language model for text generation with Python
- What is a language model and how it works
- What is Machine Learning and how it works
- Using csvkit to format, clean, and fix CSV files
- Reading CSV, TSV, and invalid CSV files with Golang
- Welcome to DataChild - place to learn data programming and ML