This CRA template is made for the development of large applications.
Using this command to install this CRA template:
npx create-react-app --template structure app
- Typescript
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router DOM
- assets
- audio
- data
- fonts
- images
- styles
- video
- components
- configs
- layouts
- context
- helpers
- hooks
- interfaces
- languages
- pages
- services
- redux
As the name says, it contains assets of our project like images, styles, fonts, ...
Components are the building blocks of any react project. This folder consists of a collection of UI components like buttons, modals, inputs, etc., that can be used across various files in the project. Each component should consist of a test file to do a unit test as it will be widely used in the project.
A place to store application configuration, for example: API url, default languages, routes, ...
This is just a special folder for placing any layout based components. This would be things like a sidebar, navbar, container, etc.
The context folder stores all your React context files that are used across multiple pages. I find on larger projects you will have multiple context you use across your application and having a single folder to store them is really useful.
It contains the reusable helper functions.
The hooks folder contains every single custom hook in your entire project. This is a useful folder to have in any size project since almost every project will have multiple custom hooks so having a single place to put them all is really useful.
A place to store interfaces and types in Typescript.
A place to store multi language files.
The files in the pages folder indicate the route of the React application. Each file in this folder contains its route. A page can contain its subfolder. Each page has its state and is usually used to call an async operation. It usually consists of various components grouped.
It contains the http request function using axios or ...
A place to store Redux files.