The goal of this workshop is to setup a working end-to-end IoT solution based on Azure IoT Central, The Things Network and Lorawan.
The overall flow for the IoT telemetry:
The device we will be using:
The gateway used:
During this hackaton you will complete the following tasks:
- Setup an Arduino Development Environment
- Configure and program a device
- Configure and setup a LoraWAN gateway
- Setup conncectivity from the gateway to The Things Network
- Decode data using custom code in The Things Network
- Send data from The Things Network to IoT Central via and device bridge running in an Azure Function
- Create and configure IoT Central
- Laptop
- Linux, Mac or Windows
- Azure Subscription
- TTN Node Device
- "The Things Node is based off the SparkFun Pro Micro - 3.3V/8Mhz with added Microchip LoRaWAN module and temperature sensor, NXP’s digital accelerometer, a light sensor, button and RGB LED. All this is packaged in a matchbox-sized waterproof (IP54) casing with 3 AAA batteries to power it for months of usage."
- Lorawan Gateway
- The guidance provided here should also work with other gateways like the ones listed here:, but this has not been tested!
- USB to mini USB cable for programming the device
- Basic understanding of IoT and programming
- Basic understanding of Microsoft Azure
- Optional: 3 x AAA batteries if you want to test the device without being connected to your laptop
- Install Arduino IDE
- Configure & Connect Gateway to TTN
- Upload App Code v.1 to TTN Node
- Create IoT Central Instance
- Create IoT Device Bridge with an Azure Function
- Add TTN Decoder v.1 to the TTN Application
- Setup TTN HTTP Integration
- Associate, Connect & View Device Data in IoT Central
- Add a Button Pressed Event
- OPTIONAL: Build a Device Template Dashboard in IoT Central
- OPTIONAL: Setup Alert in IoT Central
- OPTIONAL: Setup Continuous Export from IoT Central
- Follow the guide here to install the IDE for your platform
- The Pro Micro boards are not developed by Arduino. As a result the boards are not available in a newly installed IDE
- Add the boards in the IDE:
- Open 'Preferences' from the 'File' menu
- In the 'Additional Boards Manager URL' enter
- Close the dialog with 'OK'
- Go to the 'Tools' menu, item 'Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"', this will open a sub menu, select 'Board Manager'
- In the boards manager, type 'sparkfun' in the dialog to show all SparkFun provided board packages
- Click on 'SparkFun AVR Boards' to select the package and click 'Install' to install the board definitions on your system
- Open the 'Tools' menu and go to the 'Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"' again. Now select 'SparkFun Pro Micro' from the list
- IMPORTANT: Open the 'Tools' menu again, in 'Processor' select 'ATmega32u4 (3.3V, 8MHz)'
- The TTN Node has some specific packages you can install to get started quickly. They are not in the IDE by default so you have to install them.
- Add the packages in the IDE:
- Open the 'Sketch' menu
- Click 'Include Library' then 'Manage Libraries'
- In the Library Manager search for 'thethingsnode' and click 'Install'
- In the Library Manager search for 'thethingsnetwork' and click 'Install'
- Click 'Close'
- You can now find 'TheThingsNetwork' and 'TheThingsNode' under 'Contributed Libraries'
- The easiest way to get started is the 'Basic' sketch, but you will be guided later on the specific code to use
- Laird GW (the one tested for this guide)
- Setup your Laird GW as described in this PDF doc in chapters 3, 4 and 5
- You can use a wired connection, but you probably want to setup wifi as described in chapter 5.2
- Configure packet forwarding as describe in chapter 6
- Important use the "The Things Network Legacy" option!
- Complete the configuration with TTN as described in chapter 7
- Setup your Laird GW as described in this PDF doc in chapters 3, 4 and 5
- For other supported gateways see here: and follow the guidance provided
- Use the IDE to upload the following code to the device
- Remember to insert in your own 'appEui' and 'appKey'
#include <TheThingsNode.h>
// Set your AppEUI and AppKey
const char *appEui = "INSERT YOU OWN";
const char *appKey = "INSERT YOU OWN";
#define loraSerial Serial1
#define debugSerial Serial
// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868
TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);
TheThingsNode *node;
#define PORT_SETUP 1
#define PORT_MOTION 3
#define PORT_BUTTON 4
void setup()
// Wait a maximum of 10s for Serial Monitor
while (!debugSerial && millis() < 10000)
// Config Node
node = TheThingsNode::setup();
node->configInterval(true, 60000);
// Test sensors and set LED to GREEN if it works
debugSerial.println("-- TTN: STATUS");
debugSerial.println("-- TTN: JOIN");
ttn.join(appEui, appKey);
debugSerial.println("-- SEND: SETUP");
void loop()
void interval()
debugSerial.println("-- SEND: INTERVAL");
void wake()
void sleep()
void onMotionStart()
debugSerial.print("-- SEND: MOTION");
void onButtonRelease(unsigned long duration)
debugSerial.print("-- SEND: BUTTON");
void sendData(uint8_t port)
// Wake RN2483
byte *bytes;
byte payload[6];
uint16_t battery = node->getBattery();
bytes = (byte *)&battery;
payload[0] = bytes[1];
payload[1] = bytes[0];
uint16_t light = node->getLight();
bytes = (byte *)&light;
payload[2] = bytes[1];
payload[3] = bytes[0];
// Temperature
int16_t temperature = round(node->getTemperatureAsFloat() * 100);
bytes = (byte *)&temperature;
payload[4] = bytes[1];
payload[5] = bytes[0];
ttn.sendBytes(payload, sizeof(payload), port);
// Set RN2483 to sleep mode
// This one is not optionnal, remove it
// and say bye bye to RN2983 sleep mode
- Make sure you have connected the device using USB
- Make sure you have selected the correct COM port in the IDE
- Upload the code to the device
- View the Serial Monitor to validate that the device connects to gw and sends data
- On the TTN website go and view the data packages from the device on the TTN Application
- Unless you are really good a decoding a byte array you will probably need a Decoder to understand the data...
- The same goes for IoT Central as it will expect a JSON payload not a byte array
- Follow the guide here to deploy you IoT Central:
- In step 1: Choose the 'Pay-As-You-Go' otherwise you will loose everything after 7 days and cost for this setup is minimal
- In step 3: Choose 'Custom application'
- For general reference on the UI of IoT Central refer to:
- In the newly create IoT Central create a device template
- Telemetry:
- Battery Voltage Field: battery
- Light Field: light
- Temperature Field: temperature
- State:
- Device state
- Field: event
- Values: button, setup, interval, motion
- Device state
- Follow the guidance on to deploy and configure the device bridge on an Azure Function
- Replace the code in the method in line 19 with the following:
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
try {
context.log('req: ', req);
context.log('measurements: ', req.body.measurements);
context.log('hw serial: ', req.body.hardware_serial.toLowerCase());
req.body = {
device: {
deviceId: req.body.hardware_serial.toLowerCase()
measurements: req.body.payload_fields
await handleMessage({ ...parameters, log: context.log, getSecret: getKeyVaultSecret }, req.body.device, req.body.measurements, req.body.timestamp);
} catch (e) {
context.log('[ERROR]', e.message);
context.res = {
status: e.statusCode ? e.statusCode : 500,
body: e.message
- On the application in TTN add a decoder using the code below
- Application > Payload Formats > Decoder
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
var decoded = {};
var events = {
1: 'setup',
2: 'interval',
3: 'motion',
4: 'button'
decoded.event = events[port];
decoded.battery = (bytes[0] << 8) + bytes[1];
decoded.light = (bytes[2] << 8) + bytes[3];
if (bytes[4] & 0x80)
decoded.temperature = ((0xffff << 16) + (bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]) / 100;
else {
decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]) / 100;
return {
"temperature": JSON.stringify(decoded.temperature),
"light" : JSON.stringify(decoded.light),
"battery" : JSON.stringify(decoded.battery),
"event" : decoded.event
- On the application in TTN add an integration to the Azure Function
- Application > Integrations > add integration > HTTP Integration
- Get the endpoint from the Azure Function as describe in step 5 on
- We are using the approach described here:
- Make sure your device is sending data to TTN and that TTN is sending data to the Azure Function
- In IoT Central associate and approve the device
- Wait a couple of minutes and verify that data is being received in IoT Central
In this part you only get hints. By now you are ready to start modifying the code yourself!
These are just hint complete the code yourself :-)
payload[6] = (byte *)true;
else {
payload[6] = (byte *)false;
These are just hint complete the code yourself :-)
decoded.buttonpressed = true;
else {
decoded.buttonpressed = false;
return {
"temperature": JSON.stringify(decoded.temperature),
"light" : JSON.stringify(decoded.light),
"battery" : JSON.stringify(decoded.battery),
"event" : decoded.event,
"buttonpressed" : INSERT YOUR OWN CODE
else {
return {
- Add an Event type on the Device Template called 'Button Pressed' using the telemetry field from the device
- Field: buttonpressed
- Build a nice looking dashboard on the Device Template showing important information
- Setup and an Alert sending an email of the temperature is above a threshold for 5 minutes
- Setup Continuous Export from IoT Central to Azure Blob Storage