A Dog Named Fetch - A strict, tiny typescript fetch wrapper.
import { fetch } from 'adnf'
const result = await fetch<User>('/me') // Result<User, unknown>
result.user // undefined | User
if (result.ok) {
result.user satisfies User
The fetch
function has 3 result types. The FetchResult<V, E>
type describes all three result types:
: Fetch was successfulExcept<E>
: Fetch returned response but with error status codeNoResponse
: Strict error thrown, network error, fetch aborted
Additionally FetchResult
extends a rust inspired Result
wrapper proving a useful API.
const result = await fetch<Flower | null, 'NoFlower'>('/flower') // FetchResult<Flower[], "NoFlower">
// Unwrap your value
result.unwrap() // (throws Error) | Flower | null
result.notNullable() // (throws Error) | Flower
// Response data, irregardless of result type
result.data // Flower | null | 'NoFlower' | undefined
// Success data
if (result.ok) {
result // Ok<Flower[]>
result.value // Flower[]
// Error cases
if (result.failed) {
if (result.response) {
result // Except<'NoFlower'>
result.except // "NoFlower" | null
result // NoResponse
result.error // the thrown Error object
result.message // string
result.aborted // fetch was aborted
result.timeout // fetch was aborted due to a timeout
result.resolved // fetch was able to resolve to a request
You can use the maker functions withOptions
, withResource
, withBase
and withMiddleware
to sequentially extend a fetch.
import { fetch, withBase } from 'adnf'
// base fetch config
const baseFetch = withOptions(fetch, { cache: 'no-cache' })
const apiFetch = withBase(baseFetch, '/api')
const authFetch = withOptions(apiFetch, options => ({
headers: { Authorization: localStorage.get('token') },
// Use `withMethods` to extend your fetch with http methods
const auth = withMethods(authFetch)
await auth.get('/me')
The ResultFetch
returning a FetchResult
import { fetch } from "adnf"
// ResultFetch
const result = fetch(
resource: string,
options: RequestInit & {
fetch // fetch implementation, default: window.fetch
strict: boolean // default: true
timeout: number // timeout in ms. returns "NoResponse" with timeout set to true
group: AbortControllerGroup
abortPrevious: boolean // aborts all previous fetches in provided AbortControllerGroup
data: object // json body data
params: Record<string, any> // search params
form: FormData | FormDataRecord
files: FormDataRecord
result satisfies FetchResult
Extends your fetch with http methods. Note that this does not return a fetch signature but an object of fetches, meaning it can not be passed to other makers. Do this last.
import { fetch, withMethods } from 'adnf'
const methods = withMethods(fetch)
methods.get('/') // fetch("/", { method: "get" })
methods.post('/') // fetch("/", { method: "post" })
Rewrite your fetch resource
withResource(fetch, '/workspace')
// same as: withResource(fetch, (resource) => resource + "/workspace")
withBase(fetch, '/api')
// same as: withResource(fetch, (resource) => "/api" + resource)
Extend your fetch options
const noCacheFetch = withOptions(fetch, { cache: 'no-cache' })
const cacheFetch = withOptions(noCacheFetch, { cache: 'default' }) // overwrites cache
// pass a callback for fresh on-fetch options
const auth = withOptions(noCacheFetch, options => ({
headers: { Authorization: localStorage.get('token') },
Declares fetches instead of running them immediately. Helps with prepared fetches, creating services and generating an cache identifier key
import { fetch, withDeclarations, params } from 'adnf'
const declare = withDeclarations(fetch)
// Declare GET fetch
const getUser = (id: string) => declare<{}, 'Unauthorized'>('/user', { params: { id } })
const declaration = getUser('a')
declaration.key // /user?id=a
declaration.fetch() // run fetch as usual
declare('/user', { params: { id } }).key // /user?id=a
declare('/user', () => ({ params: { id } })).key // /user
declare(params('/user', { id })).key // /user?id=a
declare(`/user/${id}`).key // /user/a
declare(['/user', id]).key // /user/a
// Declare mutative fetch
import { params } from 'adnf'
const editFlower = (id: string) =>
declare<{}, 'Unauthorized', Partial<Flower>>(params('/flower', { id }), flower => ({
method: 'put',
data: flower,
const declaration = editFlower('tulip')
declaration.key // /flower?id=tulip
For mutations where some arguments should not be part of the cache key, declare can be provided a function that will build options after the key was generated. Note that this will force your fetch to be a mutate method i.e. post
, put
, delete
or patch
const fetchUser = declare<User, void, { id: string }>('/user', args => ({
params: { id: args.id },
declaration.key // "@"/user",#params,,"
const declaration = fetchUser.fetch({ id: 'a' }) // fetch('/user', { method: "post", params: { id: 'a' }, ... })
Create fetch creators that run sequentially when initiating a fetch. Used to create a fetch that is dependent on the next fetch. Used internally to implement other makers. Read more about fetch dependency below.
const newFetch = withMiddleware(
fetch => (resource, options) => fetch(resource, { ...options })
Creates a grouped abort controller.
import { createAbortGroup } from 'adnf'
const group = createAbortGroup()
// use abortPrevious for grouped fetched before fetch
fetch.post('/upload', { abortPrevious: true, group }) // NoResponse
fetch.post('/upload', { abortPrevious: true, group }) // NoResponse
fetch.post('/upload', { abortPrevious: true, group }) // Ok
// or manually
Merge/replace search params to resource or complete URL. Will respect provided format.
params(path: string, params, replace: boolean)
params('/user', { id: 'a' })
// /user?id=a
params('https://github.com/user?id=a&for=b', { id: 'b' })
// https://github.com/user?id=b&for=b
params('https://github.com/user?id=a&for=b', { id: 'b' }, true)
// https://github.com/user?id=b
import { fetch, useFetch } from 'adnf'
const loggedFetch = useFetch(fetch, fetch => (resource, options) => {
console.log(options.method ?? 'get', resource, options)
return fetch(resource, options)
Dependent fetches follow other fetches. Maker functions return a special fetch that maintains a specific order. When using withMiddleware
the fetch provided in the creator is the next fetch. Your fetch creators are made "dependent" and run in sequence once you have initiated a fetch.
const a = withMiddleware(fetch, fetch => {
console.log('init: a')
return (resource, options) => {
console.log('fetch: a')
return fetch(resource, options)
const b = withMiddleware(a, fetch => {
console.log('init: b')
return (resource, options) => {
console.log('fetch: b')
return fetch(resource, options)
const c = withMiddleware(c, fetch => {
console.log('init: c')
return (resource, options) => {
console.log('fetch: c')
return fetch(resource, options)
// init: c
// init: b
// init: a
// fetch: a
// fetch: b
// fetch: c