CircleCI orb for interacting with Amazon's Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
See the orb registry listing for usage guidelines.
See below for both simple and complete examples of this orb's build_and_push_image
job. For details, see the listing in the Orb Registry.
version: 2.1
aws-ecr: circleci/[email protected]
# with default parameter values, the following would be sufficient to build and push an image to ECR
- aws-ecr/build-and-push-image:
repo: myRepositoryName
version: 2.1
aws-ecr: circleci/[email protected]
# build and push image to ECR
- aws-ecr/build-and-push-image:
# required if any necessary secrets are stored via Contexts
context: myContext
# AWS profile name, defaults to "default"
profile-name: myProfileName
# name of env var storing your AWS Access Key ID, defaults to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws-access-key-id: ACCESS_KEY_ID_ENV_VAR_NAME
# name of env var storing your AWS Secret Access Key, defaults to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
aws-secret-access-key: SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ENV_VAR_NAME
# name of env var storing your AWS region, defaults to AWS_REGION
# name of env var storing your ECR account URL, defaults to AWS_ECR_ACCOUNT_URL
# name of your ECR repository
repo: myECRRepository
# set this to use CircleCI's remote Docker environment for Docker and docker-compose commands,
# defaults to "false"
setup-remote-docker: true
# when setup-remote-docker is true, customize docker engine version (default is `19.03.13`)
remote-docker-version: 19.03.13
# set this to enable Docker layer caching if using remote Docker engine.
# defaults to "false"
remote-docker-layer-caching: true
# set this to enable dockerhub authenticated pulls, defaults to false.
docker-login: true
# name of env var storing your dockerhub username, defaults to DOCKERHUB_USERNAME.
dockerhub-username: DOCKERHUB_USERNAME
# name of env var storing your dockerhub password, defaults to DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD.
dockerhub-password: DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
# set this to true to create the repository if it does not already exist, defaults to "false"
create-repo: true
# set this to true to scan the created repository for CVEs on push, defaults to "true"
repo-scan-on-push: true
# ECR image tags (comma-separated string), defaults to "latest"
tag: latest,myECRRepoTag
# name of Dockerfile to use, defaults to "Dockerfile"
dockerfile: myDockerfile
# path to Dockerfile, defaults to . (working directory)
path: pathToMyDockerfile
# The amount of time to allow the docker build command to run before timing out (default is `10m`)
no-output-timeout: 15m
# Set to true if you don't want to build the image if it already exists in the ECR repo, for example when
# you are tagging with the git commit hash. Specially useful for faster code reverts.
skip-when-tags-exist: false
We welcome issues to and pull requests against this repository! For further questions/comments about this or other orbs, visit CircleCI's Orbs discussion forum.