Snapnote is a web app for annotating and sharing images hosted at and covered by the MIT license.
The root of the Javascript app is at www/js/main.js which loads the main Snapnote library from www/js/io/snapnote/app/SnapNote.js. The top-level HTML file is www/index.php.
Core graphics are handled by EaselJS with extensions rooted at www/js/easeljs/display.
Saved annotated images are stored as a PNG in an S3 bucket via Storage::post().
Run ./ to build the project and deploy it to target
Once built, you can create a docker image and run it via docker build -t snapnote .
Once the container is built, you can run it via the following.
docker run -it -p80:80 -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=..." -e "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=..." -e "AWS_BUCKET_NAME=..." --rm snapnote