I am a test resource used to test Moose smalltalk models
Test resources for the Famix project.
To install KGBTestResources on your Pharo image you can just execute the following script:
Metacello new
githubUser: 'moosetechnology' project: 'KGBTestResources' commitish: 'v1.x.x' path: 'src';
baseline: 'KGBTestResources';
To add KGBTestResources to your baseline just add this:
baseline: 'KGBTestResources'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://moosetechnology/KGBTestResources:v1.x.x/src' ]
Note that you can replace the #v1.x.x by a branch as #master or #development or a tag as #v1.0.0, #v1.? or #v1.2.x.