When we need something to run without interrupting the UI, we can use Task
in .NET.
Lets see a simple code implementation -
using System.Threading.Tasks;
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MethodToExecute());
task.ContinueWith(t => AfterMethodExecuted(),
task.ContinueWith(t => HandleAnExceptionWhichTheTaskMayThrow(),
void MethodToExecute()
void AfterMethodExecuted()
void HandleAnExceptionWhichTheTaskMayThrow()
Now, if we need to pass parameters on that method and after execution need to get the return value then -
class Student
public string name { get; set; }
public string roll { get; set; }
Task<Student> task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MethodToExecute("Monty"));
task.ContinueWith(t => AfterMethodExecuted(task.Result),
Student MethodToExecute(string strName)
return new Student(){name = strName, roll = "a-123"};
void AfterMethodExecuted(Student student)