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ggcollapse: an R package to collapse nodes using ggtree


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ggcollapse: an R package to collapse nodes using ggtree

This package contains a set of functions that expand the ggtree package. The main function of this set, ggcollapse allows the user to collapse nodes with the same height for the collapsing triangles. The package also contains some functions that help in the task of finding monophyletic groups of a certain taxonomic rank and the full set of sister clades to a given node.


To install ggcollapse, you just needs to execute the following command:

if (!require('devtools', quietly = TRUE)) {



Data for ggcollapse

Although the functions are versatile, the main idea of them is to use three data types, a phylo object for the tree, a data.frame for the data, and named vectors for the nodes (numeric) to collapse and the colours of the collapsed clades (character).

Tree and their tip labels

In this tutorial we will simulate our data, first, we simulate a tree:


tree <- rtree(20)

To see the whole potential of the package, we will assign species to each tip, the tip label format chosen for this tutorial will be tip_SPECIES, therefore,

tree$tip.label[3:20] <- paste(tree$tip.label[3:20], LETTERS[2:19], sep = '_')
# Adding a species duplication in the tree
tree$tip.label[1:2] <- paste(tree$tip.label[1:2], 'A', sep = '_')

The final tree, with the number of the internal nodes, would be:


ggtree(tree) +
  geom_tiplab() +
  geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), geom = 'label') +
  xlim(0, 5.5)

Function to get the species from the tip label

To extract the species from each tip, we will design a function, which will be added to the ggcollapse functions later on:

get_sp <- function(tip.label) {
  return(str_split(tip.label, '_', n = 2, simplify = TRUE)[, 2])

## [1] "t14_A"
## [1] "A"

Other options, and advantages, of using a species-getting function are the search of the species in a table relating the tip value with the species, a vector, etc.

Data linked to the tree

Imagine that the species of your tree are distributed into two groups. To incorporate this information to the tree we can take two strategies:

  1. generate a data.frame where each tip has the information, in this case, the species-getting function must return the header, or

  2. generate a data.frame relating the species with its information, in this case, the species-generating function must return the species.

In this tutorial, we will use the second strategy to generate de data.frame, we also will generate a palette for the groups:

groups <- c(rep('G1', 7), rep('G2', 3), rep('G3', 9))
tree_data <- data.frame(species = LETTERS[1:19],
                        group = groups)
head(tree_data, n = 4)
##   species group
## 1       A    G1
## 2       B    G1
## 3       C    G1
## 4       D    G1
group_colours <- c('G1' = 'coral3',
                   'G2' = 'steelblue3',
                   'G3' = 'darkolivegreen4')

ggcollapse functions

Annotating the tree with the data using annotate_tree

To incorporate the tree data (tree_data) into the tree, we can use the annotate_tree function. This function associates the tip labels with the information of the tree data table by using a linking function, in this case, the species-getting function. We added the argument data_sp_column to force the user to incorporate the value (as character or numeric) of the column where the species code is. The resulting tree is a treedata S4 object.


annot_tree <- annotate_tree(tree = tree,
                            tree_data = tree_data,
                            get_sp = get_sp,
                            data_sp_column = 'species')

Now, we can plot data across the tree, we can plot the group they belong using points on the tips:

ggtree(annot_tree) +
  geom_tiplab(offset = 0.035) +
  geom_tippoint(aes(colour = group)) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = group_colours) +
  xlim(0, 5.5)

Obtaining monophyletic clades of the groups with get_monophyletics

Using the function get_monophyletics we can get the value of the nodes whose all their descendants belong to the group specified in the group_column argument. Here we show the example of a tree that has been already annotated, however, the function can get the tree_data, get_sp and data_sp_column in the case the tree is not annotated.

gr_mphy <- get_monophyletics(tree = annot_tree,
                             group_column = 'group')
## G1 G1 G2 G3 
## 22 26 30 32

Getting sister groups with get_sisters

An interesting function of this package, is the function get_sisters. This function allows the user to obtain the vector of sister clades to a specific tip or internal node. The function will return a vector with the number of the sister clade nodes sorted by increasing topological distance to the node. To get the sisters of a tip, we can specify the tree and the tip label, as well as the tip number:

tip_sisters <- get_sisters(tree = tree,
                           node = 't8_O')
## [1] 38 34 39 30 26 22
tip_num <- which(tree$tip.label == 't8_O')
tip_sisters_num <- get_sisters(tree = tree,
                               node = tip_num)
tip_sisters_num == tip_sisters

In case we want to name the vector of sisters with the most abundant value of a column in the descendants a specific clade, we can use the annotated tree, the node, and the naming column, in this case, the group. Using these arguments, the function will return a named vector with the number of the sister clade nodes named with the most abundant value for the column and its percentage (e.g., if in a clade there are 3 tips from the group G1 and 1 tip from the group G2 the clade would be annotated as G1 75%):

tip_sisters_nmd <- get_sisters(tree = annot_tree,
                               node = 't8_O',
                               naming_column = 'group')
## G3 100% G3 100% G3 100% G2 100% G1 100% G1 100% 
##      38      34      39      30      26      22

We can follow the same procedure for an internal node:

node_sisters <- get_sisters(tree = tree,
                            node = 26)
## [1] 29 22
node_sisters_nmd <- get_sisters(tree = annot_tree,
                                node = 26,
                                naming_column = 'group')
##  G3 75% G1 100% 
##      29      22

Plotting a collapsed tree with ggcollapse

The main point of this package is to allow the user to collapse some clades easily. The ggcollapse function just requires a phylo tree object and a named vector with the nodes to be collapsed. Imagine now that we want to collapse the sister groups to t8_O that we computed previously:

# Naming the sisters
names(tip_sisters) <- paste('S', 1:length(tip_sisters), sep = '')

# Collapsing the sister nodes
ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = tip_sisters) +
  geom_tiplab() +
  xlim(0, 1.1)

We can also annotate the tree with the ggcollapse function, and it would return a ggtree object with the data. In the following example, we will plot the collapsed sisters with the uncollapsed nodes showing the species, rather than the tip, label.

ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = tip_sisters,
           get_sp = get_sp,
           tree_data = tree_data,
           data_sp_column = 'species') +
  geom_tiplab(aes(label = species)) +
  xlim(0, 1.1)

Using the same logic, we can apply this to the monophyletic groups, for which we have the node colours.

# Collapsing the monophyletic groups
ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = gr_mphy,
           node_colours = group_colours)

Collapsing modes

We can also change the visualisation of the collapsed triangle using the same argument values as in ggtree (min, max, mixed). Our default is mixed.

ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = gr_mphy,
           collapse_mode = 'mixed',
           node_colours = group_colours) +
  xlim(0, 1.15) +

ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = gr_mphy,
           collapse_mode = 'max',
           node_colours = group_colours) +
  xlim(0, 1.15) +

ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = gr_mphy,
           collapse_mode = 'min',
           node_colours = group_colours) +
  xlim(0, 0.8)

Adding bootstrap values

As the ggcollapse function returns a ggtree object, the user can use all the functionalities of this package, such as adding collapsing functions.

supports <- round(runif(length(tree$tip.label) - 2, 25, 100))
tree$node.label <- c(NA, supports)

ggcollapse(tree = tree,
           nodes = gr_mphy,
           node_colours = group_colours) +
  geom_nodelab(aes(x = branch), nudge_y = 0.15)


ggcollapse: an R package to collapse nodes using ggtree







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