1.2.0 (2024-05-16)
Bug Fixes
caret position after adding an optional part (bb571be )
caret position wasn't always updated (d21af0a )
caret positioning after deleting a node (b520055 )
don't create property wrapper actions for empty string (4ac07e4 )
filter some unnecessary wrapper actions (a0cb430 )
MPS constraints weren't evaluated for wrapper actions (483596c )
removed concepts of not imported languages from the CC menu (fe24c2b )
delete handler for nodes and placeholders (517da14 )
evaluate MPS property constraints for code completion entries (d641ba2 )
node can be added to a list by typing the separator (cad9140 )
node can be added to a list by typing the separator (f2961c2 )
show wrapping concept in description of wrapper actions (fea10d3 )
side transformations for adding an optional part (75e6df3 )
TABing into flag cells (959a1c1 )
TABing into optional cells (26fcbcb )
text in the code completion menu for a concepts can be changed (ba541c6 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.