APG is a A-Pretty-Good command line interface for component control in PostgreSQL environments.
apg command [component] [options]
help - Display help file
info - Display OS or component information
status - Display status of installed server components
list - Display available/installed components
start - Start server components
stop - Stop server components
reload - Reload server configuration files (without a restart)
restart - Stop & then start server components
enable - Enable a component
disable - Disable a server server component from starting automatically
config - Configure a component
init - Initialize a component
update - Retrieve new lists of components
upgrade - Perform an upgrade of a component
install - Install (or re-install) a component
remove - Un-install component
download - Download a component archive file (but don't install it)
clean - Delete downloaded component files
top - Cross platform version of the "top" command
get - Retrieve a setting
set - Populate a setting
unset - Remove a setting