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Infer frequency-dependent selection from timeseries


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fdsel is a command-line interface utility for inferring frequency-dependent selection from timeseries data on abundance of types, written in OCaml.

Mac OS X installation with Homebrew

brew install mnewberry/fdsel/fdsel

Then you can use from command prompt as:

fdsel simulate -K -g 80 -n 5000 -m 0.001 -b 10000 -o timeseries.tsv

Building from source

fdsel requires OCaml and libraries for PCRE, Batteries and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL). This requires both OCaml and system libraries. PCRE and GSL system libraries can typically be found through a distribution package manager such as apt, pacman, or homebrew. OCaml and the OCaml libraries are easiest to install using OPAM. Once OPAM is installed and configured, the libraries can be installed with:

opam install batteries pcre gsl

Once the dependencies are installed, building is easiest using findlib and ocamlbuild, which are also included as part of OPAM:

ocamlbuild -pkgs gsl,pcre,batteries fdsel.native

This command is included for convenience in a file called Hence sh is also an acceptable way to build the software.

The build will create the file fdsel.native which is the self-contained fdsel executable. You may rename it fdsel and put it in your executable path as you see fit, or invoke the software as ./fdsel.native.

fdsel usage overview

The reference usage of fdsel can be found by running fdsel --help. fdsel has three modes, which can be invoked as fdsel infer (for inference from timeseries), fdsel simulate (for simulating timeseries), and fdsel timeseries (for examining properties of timeseries without inferring or simulating anything). Each mode has a list of options and flags, with some features overlapping between modes.

File formats

fdsel inputs and outputs various files in tab-separated values (TSV) formats. The output formats are designed to be self-explanatory, whereas the few input formats (timeseries, breaks and params) are also output formats. The input timeseries for fdsel infer and fdsel timeseries should have a header with columns gen, type, and count in any order, which is the same format as the output fdsel simulate -o. Only the bin boundaries files (-B arguments) have no header. The parameters file (-o argument to fdsel infer and -i argument to fdsel simulate) is complex due to the many different output parameters, but it is also a TSV file with headers for the parameter param, its index ind (if applicable), the value val, its variance var (if applicable), and 95% confidence interval bounds lci and uci.


A simple session illustrates the basic features. First, we simulate a neutral timeseries with 80 generations and a population size of 5000, per capita mutation rate 0.001 and 5000 generations of burn-in initialized from a monomorphic population, storing the output in timeseries.tsv:

fdsel simulate -K -g 80 -n 5000 -m 0.001 -b 10000 -o timeseries.tsv

Now timeseries.tsv looks like this:

$ head timeseries.tsv 
gen  type   count
0    24944  620
0    22545  434
0    24074  322
0    25597  312
0    25580  298
0    24508  295
0    20888  265
0    22892  263
0    21411  226

We see that the initial type (1) is gone, and that the largest counts are comparable in magnitude, so we may assume that 10,000 burn-in generations was enough to reach equilibrium. We can infer frequency-dependent selection from this timeseries using 5 log-evenly spaced bins, storing the result in params.tsv and recording the bin boundaries in breaks.nlsv:

fdsel infer -i timeseries.tsv -l 5 -o params.tsv -b breaks.nlsv

The resulting parameters file is consistent with neutrality, in the sense that the confidence intervals (lci and uci) always include s=0. The inferences for mutation rate and population size also include the true value. (Here tabs have been replaced by spaces and some decimal places removed for clarity of presentation.)

$ cat params.tsv
param     ind  val        var       lci  uci
mu        NA   0.0010225  2.55e-09  0.0009234  0.0011215
ne        NA   4873.9416  8560.471  4692.5969  5055.2863
maxf      NA   2.152e-01  NA        2.152e-01  2.152e-01
dminf     NA   2.000e-04  NA        2.000e-04  2.000e-04
srep      NA   0.0026665  NA        0.0026665  0.0026665
s1        0    0.0129530  0.000181  -0.013467  0.0393736
s2        1    -0.007467  7.347-05  -0.024268  0.0093332
s3        2    -0.008886  3.286-05  -0.020122  0.0023494
s4        3    -0.001443  2.219-05  -0.010677  0.0077909
s5        4    0.0048440  1.897-05  -0.003693  0.0133818
ll        NA   -14648.50  NA        NA         NA
s0ll      NA   -14652.90  NA        NA         NA
s0ne      NA   4869.5538  8545.064  4688.2090  5050.8985
s0lrpval  NA   6.615e-02  NA        NA         NA

This file indicates the inferred mutation rate mu and parameter values s1...s5 of the different bins, the replacement fitness srep, the log-likelihood of the data ll, the log-likelihood assuming neutrality s0ll, and the p-value in the likelihood ratio test between the two s0lrpval. Here, the p-value 0.07 does not quite reject neutrality. maxf and dminf refer to the maximum and minimum frequencies present in the input.

These parameters deviate somewhat from neutrality just due to statistical error. But we can use those slight deviations to produce a frequency-dependent simulation, by replacing the -K (neutrality) and -m (mutation) arguments with the parameters input file. If we simulate for a long time (g = 10,000), we should be able to recover parameters very close to the inputs. This time, since we know the bin boundaries used in the simulation, we can specify that the inference use those exactly.

fdsel simulate -i params.tsv -B breaks.nlsv \
  -g 10000 -n 5000 -b 10000 -o timeseries-selected.tsv
fdsel infer -i timeseries-selected.tsv -B breaks.nlsv -o params-selected.tsv

After a few seconds, we get:

$ cat params-selected.tsv
param     ind  val        var        lci        uci
mu        NA   0.0010222  2.042e-11  0.0010133  0.0010310
ne        NA   4981.2651  109.43420  4960.7614  5001.7689
maxf      NA   9.694e-01  NA         9.694e-01  9.694e-01
dminf     NA   2.000e-04  NA         2.000e-04  2.000e-04
srep      NA   0.0055515  NA         0.0055515  0.0055515
s1        0    0.0105344  1.587e-06  0.0080648  0.0130040
s2        1    -0.006567  7.226e-07  -0.008233  -0.004901
s3        2    -0.008844  4.607e-07  -0.010175  -0.007514
s4        3    -0.000683  6.128e-07  -0.002218  0.0008505
s5        4    0.0055618  1.923e-07  0.0047022  0.0064214
ll        NA   -952663.9  NA         NA         NA
s0ll      NA   -952973.3  NA         NA         NA
s0ne      NA   4982.5432  109.49037  4962.0395  5003.0469
s0lrpval  NA   1.30e-132  NA         NA         NA

Although it's a little harder to check this time, the CIs include the true value, and the inferred parameters closely resemble the inputs. This time, however, the likelihood ratio test overwhelmingly rejects neutrality.

Advanced uses

More advanced uses of fdsel infer include other binning schemes (-k, -l, -q and -B, -f), strategies for dealing with censorship or types at unknown frequency (-w, -c, -f and -C), or communicating assumptions about datasets that do not distinguish missing data from types at count 0 (-u and -U). Similarly, fdsel simulate also includes options for producing incoming mutants in clusters (-l), specifying variable population sizes, simulating novelty bias models, specifying the initial population (-T) or continuing simulations from a previous timeseries (-F), or interspersing each timestep with neutral timesteps in order to simulate reduced effective population size relative to the census population. fdsel infer and fdsel timeseries also support several other outputs besides the inferred parameters, including the population size history (-p), frequency distribution (-d) or rank abundance distribution a.k.a. Zipf's law distribution (-Z).


Infer frequency-dependent selection from timeseries







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