Cordova plugin for the MMIR framework that provides core functionality for running (JavaScript) audio encoders via WebWorkers.
The plugin provides a base implementation for handling web-based (HTML5) access to the microphone and encoding the audio to WAV/PCM or other codecs in a WebWorker.
Specialized implementation modules handle integration into various speech recognition services.
For encoders see
For speech service integrations see
Archived: Outdated speech service integrations
mmir-plugin-asr-nuance-xhr(the Nuance speech service has been discontinued; use Cerence WS instead)mmir-plugin-asr-nuance-ws(the Nuance speech service has been discontinued; use Cerence WS instead)
: based on work by- Copyright (C) 2013 Matt Diamond (MIT License) Recorderjs
: based on work by- Copyright (C) 2013 Matt Diamond (MIT License) Recorderjs
- Modified Work Copyright (C) 2014 Christopher Rudmin (MIT License) opus-recorder