npm install schema-js
Condensed Syntax
var schema = new Schema({
phones:[{ number:String, mobile:Boolean }]
Explicit Syntax
var person = new Schema({
type: Object,
properties: {
name: { type:String },
age: { type:Number },
phones: {
type: Array,
items: {
type: Object,
properties: {
number: { type:String },
mobile: { type:Boolean }
These two syntaxes may be mixed within the same schema definition. The expanded syntax is required to specify additional options (instead of just types, array items, and object properties) for a field.
new Schema({
name: {
first: { type:String, name:'First Name', required:true },
last: { type:String, name:'Last Name', required:true }
age: { type:Number, default:18 }
type Function|Array<Function>
The constructor function for the type of the value. May use javascript types or other constructor functions (String
, Number
, Date
, bson.ObjectID
, Schema
, etc.) or an Array of constructor functions.
The default value for a field if no value is specfied.
The type of the default value must match the above type.
required Boolean|Object
If type is Object, an Array listing required properties.
If type is not Object, a Boolean indicating whether a value is required for this field.
properties Object
Required if type is Object. Enforces the schema on the subkeys of this field.
items Object
Required if type is Array. Enforces the schema on all elements of the Array.
validators Array<Function>
Array of custom validator functions matching the signature function(value)
. A validator should throw
if it fails, otherwise return.
var schema = new Schema({ name:String, age:Number })
schema.validate({ name:'John Doe', age:27 })
//returns true
schema.validate({ name:'John Doe', age:'old' })
//errors because age is invalid. "old" is not a Number
An object defining fields to be added to the schema. See Defining a Schema and Field Options.
An value to check against the schema. See Validating an Object.
A value to which the defaults for the schema will be applied.
An object defining fields to be added to the schema. See Defining a Schema and Field Options.
An object defining a MongoDB-like query. Powered by sift. Supports the following operators: $in, $nin, $exists, $gte, $gt, $lte, $lt, $eq, $neq, $mod, $all, $and, $or, $nor, $not, $size, $type, $regex.
An object defining fields to be added to the schema. See Defining a Schema and Field Options.
allows you to modify the schema based on the values of the object that you are validating. For example, we can require a credit card number and cvv, but only if the purchase is being made by credit card.
var purchase = new Schema({ amount:Number, payment:String })
purchase.extendWhen({ payment:'credit' }, {
card: {
number: { type:Number, required:true },
cvv: { type:Number, required:true }
purchase.extendWhen({ payment:'check' }, {
account: { type:Number, required:true },
routing: { type:Number, required:true }
purchase.validate({ amount:10.00, payment:'credit' })
// errors because card.number and card.cvv are required
purchase.validate({ amount:10.00, payment:'cash', card: { number:4716740357239704 })
// errors because card.number is not present in the base schema
purchase.validate({ amount:10.00, payment:'check', check:{ account:9900000003, routing:321174851 })
// returns true
var schema = new Schema({ result:[Boolean|Function] })
schema.extendWhen({ result:{ $type:Boolean } }, {
var purchase = new Schema({ amount:Number })
purchase.extendWhen({ amount:{ $gt:0 } }, {
payment: { type:String, required:true }
var person = new Schema({
name: {
last: { type:String, required:true }
person.extendWhen({ 'name.middle': { $exists:false } }), {
name: {
first:{ type:String, required:true }