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PEM Pipeline #417

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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions R/PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#' @title PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM
#' @name mlr_pipeops_trafopred_regrsurv_PEM
#' @description
#' Transform [PredictionRegr] to [PredictionSurv].
#' @section Dictionary:
#' This [PipeOp][mlr3pipelines::PipeOp] can be instantiated via the
#' [dictionary][mlr3misc::Dictionary] [mlr3pipelines::mlr_pipeops]
#' or with the associated sugar function [mlr3pipelines::po()]:
#' ```
#' PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM$new()
#' mlr_pipeops$get("trafopred_regrsurv_PEM")
#' po("trafopred_regrsurv_PEM")
#' ```
#' @section Input and Output Channels:
#' The input is a [PredictionRegr] and a [data.table][data.table::data.table]
#' with the transformed data both generated by [PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM].
#' The output is the input [PredictionRegr] transformed to a [PredictionSurv].
#' Only works during prediction phase.
#' @family PipeOps
#' @family Transformation PipeOps
#' @export
PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM = R6Class(
inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOp,

public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
#' @param id (character(1))\cr
#' Identifier of the resulting object.
initialize = function(id = "trafopred_regrsurv_PEM") {
id = id,
input = data.table(
name = c("input", "transformed_data"),
train = c("NULL", "data.table"),
predict = c("PredictionRegr", "data.table")
output = data.table(
name = "output",
train = "NULL",
predict = "PredictionSurv"

private = list(
.predict = function(input) {
pred = input[[1]]
data = input[[2]]
# probability of having the event (1) in each respective interval
# is the discrete-time hazard
data = cbind(data, dt_hazard = pred$response)

# From theory, convert hazards to surv as exp(-cumsum(h(t) * exp(offset)))
rows_per_id = nrow(data) / length(unique(data$id))

# If 'single_event', 'cr', 'msm')
surv = t(vapply(unique(data$id), function(unique_id) {
exp(-cumsum(data[data$id == unique_id, ][["dt_hazard"]] * exp(data[data$id == unique_id, ][["offset"]])))
}, numeric(rows_per_id)))

unique_end_times = sort(unique(data$tend))
# coerce to distribution and crank
pred_list = .surv_return(times = unique_end_times, surv = surv)

# select the real tend values by only selecting the last row of each id
# basically a slightly more complex unique()
real_tend = data$obs_times[seq_len(nrow(data)) %% rows_per_id == 0]

ids = unique(data$id)
# select last row for every id => observed times
id = PEM_status = NULL # to fix note
data = data[, .SD[.N, list(PEM_status)], by = id]

# create prediction object
p = PredictionSurv$new(
row_ids = ids,
crank = pred_list$crank, distr = pred_list$distr,
truth = Surv(real_tend, as.integer(as.character(data$PEM_status))))


.train = function(input) {
self$state = list()
register_pipeop("trafopred_regrsurv_PEM", PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM)
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions R/PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#' @title PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM
#' @name mlr_pipeops_trafotask_survregr_PEM
#' @template param_pipelines
#' @description
#' Transform [TaskSurv] to [TaskRegr][mlr3::TaskRegr] by dividing continuous
#' time into multiple time intervals for each observation.
#' This transformation creates a new target variable `PEM_status` that indicates
#' whether an event occurred within each time interval.
#' @section Dictionary:
#' This [PipeOp][mlr3pipelines::PipeOp] can be instantiated via the
#' [dictionary][mlr3misc::Dictionary] [mlr3pipelines::mlr_pipeops]
#' or with the associated sugar function [mlr3pipelines::po()]:
#' ```
#' PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM$new()
#' mlr_pipeops$get("trafotask_survregr_PEM")
#' po("trafotask_survregr_PEM")
#' ```
#' @section Input and Output Channels:
#' [PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM] has one input channel named "input", and two
#' output channels, one named "output" and the other "transformed_data".
#' During training, the "output" is the "input" [TaskSurv] transformed to a
#' [TaskRegr][mlr3::TaskRegr].
#' The target column is named `"PEM_status"` and indicates whether an event occurred
#' in each time interval.
#' An additional feature named `"tend"` contains the end time point of each interval.
#' Lastly, the "output" task has an offset column `"offset"`.
#' The "transformed_data" is an empty [data.table][data.table::data.table].
#' During prediction, the "input" [TaskSurv] is transformed to the "output"
#' [TaskRegr][mlr3::TaskRegr] with `"PEM_status"` as target and the `"tend"`
#' as well as `"offset"` feature included.
#' The "transformed_data" is a [data.table] with columns the `"PEM_status"`
#' target of the "output" task, the `"id"` (original observation ids),
#' `"obs_times"` (observed times per `"id"`) and `"tend"` (end time of each interval).
#' This "transformed_data" is only meant to be used with the [PipeOpPredRegrSurvPEM].
#' @section State:
#' The `$state` contains information about the `cut` parameter used.
#' @section Parameters:
#' The parameters are
#' * `cut :: numeric()`\cr
#' Split points, used to partition the data into intervals based on the `time` column.
#' If unspecified, all unique event times will be used.
#' If `cut` is a single integer, it will be interpreted as the number of equidistant
#' intervals from 0 until the maximum event time.
#' * `max_time :: numeric(1)`\cr
#' If `cut` is unspecified, this will be the last possible event time.
#' All event times after `max_time` will be administratively censored at `max_time.`
#' Needs to be greater than the minimum event time in the given task.
#' @examples
#' @examplesIf mlr3misc::require_namespaces(c("mlr3pipelines", "mlr3learners"), quietly = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Update documentation to match PEM
#' library(mlr3)
#' library(mlr3learners)
#' library(mlr3pipelines)
#' task = tsk("lung")
#' # transform the survival task to a poisson regression task
#' # all unique event times are used as cutpoints
#' po_PEM = po("trafotask_survregr_PEM")
#' task_regr = po_PEM$train(list(task))[[1L]]
#' # the end time points of the discrete time intervals
#' unique(task_regr$data(cols = "tend"))[[1L]]
#' # train a classification learner
#' learner = lrn("classif.log_reg", predict_type = "prob")
#' learner$train(task_regr)
#' }
#' }
#' @family PipeOps
#' @family Transformation PipeOps
#' @export
PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM = R6Class("PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM",
inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOp,

public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
initialize = function(id = "trafotask_survregr_PEM") {
param_set = ps(
cut = p_uty(default = NULL),
max_time = p_dbl(0, default = NULL, special_vals = list(NULL)),
censor_code = p_int(0L),
min_events = p_int(1L),
form = p_uty(tags = 'train')
#pammtools arguments: transitions etc.
id = id,
param_set = param_set,
input = data.table(
name = "input",
train = "TaskSurv",
predict = "TaskSurv"
output = data.table(
name = c("output", "transformed_data"),
train = c("TaskRegr", "data.table"),
predict = c("TaskRegr", "data.table")

private = list(
.train = function(input) {
task = input[[1L]]
assert_true(task$censtype == "right")
data = task$data()

if ("PEM_status" %in% colnames(task$data())) {
stop("\"PEM_status\" can not be a column in the input data.")

cut = assert_numeric(self$param_set$values$cut, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0)
max_time = self$param_set$values$max_time

time_var = task$target_names[1]
event_var = task$target_names[2]
if (testInt(cut, lower = 1)) {
cut = seq(0, data[get(event_var) == 1, max(get(time_var))], length.out = cut + 1)

if (!is.null(max_time)) {
assert(max_time > data[get(event_var) == 1, min(get(time_var))],
"max_time must be greater than the minimum event time.")

# To-Do: Extend to a more general formulation for competing risks and msm
# Issue: We pass form (e.g. Surv(time, status) ~ .) which currently serves to correctly transform the data into ped format
# but doesn't serve any other purpose yet. For ML learners, such as xgb, the covariate structure is passed to the pipeline via rhs not form.
long_data = pammtools::as_ped(data = data, formula = self$param_set$values$form, cut = cut, max_time = max_time)
self$state$cut = attributes(long_data)$trafo_args$cut

long_data =
setnames(long_data, old = "ped_status", new = "PEM_status") #change to PEM

# remove some columns from `long_data`
long_data[, c("tstart", "interval") := NULL]
# keep id mapping
reps = table(long_data$id)
ids = rep(task$row_ids, times = reps)
id = NULL
long_data[, id := ids]

task_PEM = TaskRegr$new(paste0(task$id, "_PEM"), long_data,
target = "PEM_status")
task_PEM$set_col_roles("id", roles = "original_ids")

list(task_PEM, data.table())

.predict = function(input) {
task = input[[1]]
data = task$data()

# extract `cut` from `state`
cut = self$state$cut

time_var = task$target_names[1]
event_var = task$target_names[2]

max_time = max(cut)
time = data[[time_var]]
data[[time_var]] = max_time

status = data[[event_var]]
data[[event_var]] = 1

long_data =, formula = self$param_set$values$form, cut = cut))
setnames(long_data, old = "ped_status", new = "PEM_status")

PEM_status = id = tend = obs_times = NULL # fixing global binding notes of data.table
long_data[, PEM_status := 0]
# set correct id
rows_per_id = nrow(long_data) / length(unique(long_data$id))
long_data$obs_times = rep(time, each = rows_per_id)
ids = rep(task$row_ids, each = rows_per_id)
long_data[, id := ids]

# set correct PEM_status
reps = long_data[, data.table(count = sum(tend >= obs_times)), by = id]$count
status = rep(status, times = reps)
long_data[long_data[, .I[tend >= obs_times], by = id]$V1, PEM_status := status]

# remove some columns from `long_data`
long_data[, c("tstart", "interval", "obs_times") := NULL]
task_PEM = TaskRegr$new(paste0(task$id, "_PEM"), long_data,
target = "PEM_status")
task_PEM$set_col_roles("id", roles = "original_ids")

# map observed times back
reps = table(long_data$id)
long_data$obs_times = rep(time, each = rows_per_id)
# subset transformed data
columns_to_keep = c("id", "obs_times", "tend", "PEM_status", "offset")
long_data = long_data[, columns_to_keep, with = FALSE]

list(task_PEM, long_data)

register_pipeop("trafotask_survregr_PEM", PipeOpTaskSurvRegrPEM)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/aaa.R
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Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ register_reflections = function() {

x$task_col_roles$surv = x$task_col_roles$regr
x$task_col_roles$dens = c("feature", "target", "label", "order", "group", "weight", "stratum")
x$task_col_roles$classif = unique(c(x$task_col_roles$classif, "original_ids")) # for discrete time
x$task_col_roles$classif = unique(c(x$task_col_roles$classif, "original_ids"))# for discrete time
x$task_col_roles$regr = unique(c(x$task_col_roles$regr, "original_ids"))
x$task_properties$surv = x$task_properties$regr
x$task_properties$dens = x$task_properties$regr

Expand Down