Extending mlr3 to time series forecasting.
This package is in an early stage of development and should be considered experimental. If you are interested in experimenting with it, we welcome your feedback!
Install the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("pak")
task = tsk("airpassengers")
task$select(setdiff(task$feature_names, "date"))
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:12)$train(task)
newdata = data.frame(passengers = rep(NA_real_, 3L))
prediction = flrn$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 3 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 436.4899
#> 2 NA 436.6391
#> 3 NA 456.0920
prediction = flrn$predict(task, 142:144)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 3 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 461 456.6918
#> 2 390 411.1894
#> 3 432 431.1121
#> regr.rmse
#> 12.49451
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:12)
resampling = rsmp("forecast_holdout", ratio = 0.9)
rr = resample(task, flrn, resampling)
#> regr.rmse
#> 48.87653
resampling = rsmp("forecast_cv")
rr = resample(task, flrn, resampling)
#> regr.rmse
#> 25.25769
task = tsk("airpassengers")
# datefeatures currently requires POSIXct
graph = ppl("convert_types", "Date", "POSIXct") %>>%
param_vals = list(is_day = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE, second = FALSE)
new_task = graph$train(task)[[1L]]
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:12)$train(new_task)
prediction = flrn$predict(new_task, 142:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 13.44279
row_ids = new_task$nrow - 0:2
flrn$predict_newdata(new_task$data(rows = row_ids), new_task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 3 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 432 434.0366
#> 2 390 436.9707
#> 3 461 458.7455
newdata = new_task$data(rows = row_ids, cols = new_task$feature_names)
flrn$predict_newdata(newdata, new_task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 3 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 434.0366
#> 2 NA 436.9707
#> 3 NA 458.7455
resampling = rsmp("forecast_holdout", ratio = 0.9)
rr = resample(new_task, flrn, resampling)
#> regr.rmse
#> 50.14024
resampling = rsmp("forecast_cv")
rr = resample(new_task, flrn, resampling)
#> regr.rmse
#> 26.23039
graph = ppl("convert_types", "Date", "POSIXct") %>>%
param_vals = list(is_day = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE, second = FALSE)
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:12)
glrn = as_learner(graph %>>% flrn)$train(task)
prediction = glrn$predict(task, 142:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 13.82398
task = tsibbledata::vic_elec |>
as.data.table() |>
setnames(tolower) |>
year(time) == 2014L,
demand = sum(demand) / 1e3,
temperature = max(temperature),
holiday = any(holiday)
by = date
] |>
as_task_fcst(target = "demand", index = "date")
graph = ppl("convert_types", "Date", "POSIXct") %>>%
param_vals = list(
year = FALSE, is_day = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE, second = FALSE
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:3)
glrn = as_learner(graph %>>% flrn)$train(task)
max_date = task$data()[.N, date]
newdata = data.frame(
date = max_date + 1:14,
demand = rep(NA_real_, 14L),
temperature = 26,
holiday = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 13L))
prediction = glrn$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 14 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 186.6940
#> 2 NA 190.8129
#> 3 NA 183.0273
#> --- --- ---
#> 12 NA 214.4948
#> 13 NA 218.4061
#> 14 NA 220.0571
library(tsibble) # needs not be loaded for it to somehow work
task = tsibbledata::aus_livestock |>
as.data.table() |>
setnames(tolower) |>
_[, month := as.Date(month)] |>
_[, .(count = sum(count)), by = .(state, month)] |>
setorder(state, month) |>
as_task_fcst(target = "count", index = "month", key = "state")
graph = ppl("convert_types", "Date", "POSIXct") %>>%
param_vals = list(
week_of_year = FALSE, day_of_week = FALSE, day_of_month = FALSE,
day_of_year = FALSE, is_day = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE,
second = FALSE
task = graph$train(task)[[1L]]
task$col_roles$key = "state"
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:3)$train(task)
prediction = flrn$predict(task, 4460:4464)
#> regr.rmse
#> 22058.4
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1:3)
resampling = rsmp("forecast_holdout", ratio = 0.9)
rr = resample(task, flrn, resampling)
#> regr.rmse
#> 94136.08
# TODO: find better task example, since the effect is minor here
graph = ppl("convert_types", "Date", "POSIXct") %>>%
param_vals = list(
week_of_year = FALSE, day_of_week = FALSE, day_of_month = FALSE,
day_of_year = FALSE, is_day = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE,
second = FALSE
# local forecasting
task = tsibbledata::aus_livestock |>
as.data.table() |>
setnames(tolower) |>
_[, month := as.Date(month)] |>
_[state == "Western Australia", .(count = sum(count)), by = .(month)] |>
setorder(month) |>
as_task_fcst(target = "count", index = "month")
task = graph$train(task)[[1L]]
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1L)$train(task)
tab = task$backend$data(
rows = task$row_ids, cols = c(task$backend$primary_key, "month.year")
setnames(tab, c("row_id", "year"))
row_ids = tab[year >= 2015, row_id]
prediction = flrn$predict(task, row_ids)
#> regr.rmse
#> 33009.95
# global forecasting
task = tsibbledata::aus_livestock |>
as.data.table() |>
setnames(tolower) |>
_[, month := as.Date(month)] |>
_[, .(count = sum(count)), by = .(state, month)] |>
setorder(state, month) |>
as_task_fcst(target = "count", index = "month", key = "state")
task = graph$train(task)[[1L]]
task$col_roles$key = "state"
flrn = ForecastLearner$new(lrn("regr.ranger"), 1L)$train(task)
tab = task$backend$data(
rows = task$row_ids, cols = c(task$backend$primary_key, "month.year", "state")
setnames(tab, c("row_id", "year", "state"))
row_ids = tab[year >= 2015 & state == "Western Australia", row_id]
prediction = flrn$predict(task, row_ids)
#> regr.rmse
#> 30965.86
generate_newdata = function(task, n = 1L, resolution = "day") {
resolution, c("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", "year")
order_cols = task$col_roles$order
target = task$target_names
max_index = max(task$data(cols = order_cols)[[1L]])
unit = switch(resolution,
second = "sec",
minute = "min",
hour = ,
day = ,
week = ,
month = ,
quarter = ,
year = identity(resolution),
stopf("Invalid resolution")
unit = sprintf("1 %s", unit)
index = seq(max_index, length.out = n + 1L, by = unit)
index = index[2:length(index)]
newdata = data.table(index = index, target = rep(NA_real_, n))
setnames(newdata, c(order_cols, target))
task = tsk("airpassengers")
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
#> date passengers
#> 1 1961-01-01 NA
#> 2 1961-02-01 NA
#> 3 1961-03-01 NA
#> 4 1961-04-01 NA
#> 5 1961-05-01 NA
#> 6 1961-06-01 NA
#> 7 1961-07-01 NA
#> 8 1961-08-01 NA
#> 9 1961-09-01 NA
#> 10 1961-10-01 NA
#> 11 1961-11-01 NA
#> 12 1961-12-01 NA
task = tsk("airpassengers")
learner = lrn("fcst.arima", order = c(2L, 1L, 2L))$train(task)
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> as.zoo.data.frame zoo
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 50.62826
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 483.8637
#> 2 NA 465.9727
#> 3 NA 469.4676
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 466.3308
#> 11 NA 466.2953
#> 12 NA 466.2723
learner = lrn("fcst.auto_arima")$train(task)
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 39.62379
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 483.3799
#> 2 NA 490.9993
#> 3 NA 520.2773
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 500.2729
#> 11 NA 507.3034
#> 12 NA 512.9829
# works with quantile response
learner = lrn("fcst.auto_arima",
predict_type = "quantiles",
quantiles = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.85, 0.9),
quantile_response = 0.5
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth q0.1 q0.15 q0.5 q0.85 q0.9 response
#> 1 NA 449.3201 455.8346 483.3799 510.9252 517.4397 483.3799
#> 2 NA 439.6752 449.4918 490.9993 532.5069 542.3235 490.9993
#> 3 NA 464.0693 474.8200 520.2773 565.7347 576.4854 520.2773
#> --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 440.1583 451.6562 500.2729 548.8896 560.3875 500.2729
#> 11 NA 446.7823 458.3580 507.3034 556.2489 567.8246 507.3034
#> 12 NA 452.1168 463.7584 512.9829 562.2074 573.8491 512.9829
task = tsk("airpassengers")
learner = lrn("fcst.arfima")$train(task)
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 54.93583
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 470.3903
#> 2 NA 449.1027
#> 3 NA 452.4956
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 408.8267
#> 11 NA 405.3927
#> 12 NA 402.0429
task = tsk("airpassengers")
learner = lrn("fcst.ets")$train(task)
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 61.44108
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 431.9958
#> 2 NA 431.9958
#> 3 NA 431.9958
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 431.9958
#> 11 NA 431.9958
#> 12 NA 431.9958
task = tsk("airpassengers")
learner = lrn("fcst.tbats")$train(task)
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 40.89975
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 502.2486
#> 2 NA 545.0701
#> 3 NA 610.7134
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 592.3269
#> 11 NA 613.4432
#> 12 NA 633.9967
task = tsk("airpassengers")
learner = lrn("fcst.bats")$train(task)
prediction = learner$predict(task, 140:144)
#> regr.rmse
#> 40.89975
newdata = generate_newdata(task, 12L, "month")
learner$predict_newdata(newdata, task)
#> <PredictionRegr> for 12 observations:
#> row_ids truth response
#> 1 NA 502.2486
#> 2 NA 545.0701
#> 3 NA 610.7134
#> --- --- ---
#> 10 NA 592.3269
#> 11 NA 613.4432
#> 12 NA 633.9967
task = tsk("airpassengers")
pop = po("fcst.lags")