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rcurtin committed Oct 20, 2018
1 parent c4f843c commit 5515bca
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 144 deletions.
147 changes: 3 additions & 144 deletions doc/mlsys_paper/paper.tex
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% TODO: title could possibly be improved
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a generic C++ library for fast optimization} %% it's not clear what "optimization" refers to here
%% other possibilities:
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a flexible C++ library for function optimization in machine learning}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a fast C++ library for function optimization in machine learning}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a C++ library for fast function optimization in machine learning}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a C++ library for fast and flexible function optimization}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a C++ library of fast and flexible function optimizers}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a library of flexible function optimizers in C++}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a library of fast and flexible function optimizers in C++}
%\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a flexible C++ library for function optimization}
\title{\texttt{ensmallen}: a flexible C++ library for efficient function optimization}

% Alphabetical ordering?
% TODO: check affiliations
\author{Shikhar Bhardwaj \\
Delhi Technological University \\
Delhi, India 110042 \\
Expand All @@ -78,16 +65,10 @@
Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin \\
\texttt{[email protected]}
%% CS: I've added "Independent Researcher" below for now,
%% CS: as a blank affiliation looks weird and incomplete
Yannis Mentekidis \\
Independent Researcher \\
\texttt{[email protected]}
% any affiliation/email?
%% CS: googling suggests that Yannis is/was affiliated with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
%% CS: and is perhaps now with Amazon
%% CS: I have two affiliations, so I've listed them on two lines
Conrad Sanderson \\
Data61, CSIRO, Australia \\
University of Queensland, Australia\\
Expand All @@ -98,7 +79,6 @@

%% the abstract below still needs more meat and sharpening
We present \texttt{\small ensmallen}, a fast and flexible C++ library for mathematical optimization of
arbitrary user-supplied functions,
which can be applied to many machine learning problems.
Expand All @@ -115,8 +95,6 @@
Empirical comparisons show that \texttt{\small ensmallen} is able to outperform other
optimization frameworks (like Julia and SciPy), sometimes by large margins.
The library is distributed under the
% save words
% 3-clause
BSD license and is ready for use
in production environments.
Expand All @@ -128,8 +106,7 @@ \section{Introduction}
(which may have a special structure or constraints),
almost all machine learning problems can be boiled down
to the following optimization form:

\argmindown_x f(x).
Expand All @@ -141,15 +118,6 @@ \section{Introduction}
parameters on the data~\cite{schmidhuber2015deep}.
Even popular machine learning models such as logistic regression
have training times mostly dominated by an optimization procedure~\cite{kingma2015adam}.
% TODO: might be nice to have something kind of anecdotal like 'even new
% students to the field of machine learning quickly encounter optimization' and
% cite, e.g., Andrew Ng's coursera course or some ML textbook or similar
%% CS: i think we don't need to explore this too much; better to cut out all the
%% CS: fat and stick with concrete examples, instead of veering off on tangents
% or maybe just a note about how many optimization techniques get published at
% NIPS every year?
%% CS: NIPS is too self-referential here

The ubiquity of optimization in machine learning algorithms highlights the need
for robust and flexible implementations of optimization algorithms.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,7 +237,6 @@ \section{Types of Objective Functions}
% \begin{tablenotes}\footnotesize
Feature comparison: \CIRCLE = provides feature,
\LEFTcircle = partially provides feature, - = does not provide feature.
Expand All @@ -289,12 +256,7 @@ \section{Types of Objective Functions}
optimizing {\bf user-defined objective functions}. It is also easy to implement a
new optimizer in the \texttt{\small ensmallen} framework. Overall, our goal is to provide
an easy-to-use library that can solve the problem
$\argminright_{x} f(x)$
for any function $f(x)$ that takes a vector or matrix input $x$.
In most cases, $f(x)$ will have special structure; one example might be that
$f(x)$ is differentiable. Therefore, the abstraction we have designed for \texttt{\small
Expand All @@ -314,7 +276,6 @@ \section{Types of Objective Functions}
\sum_{i} f_i(x)$
\item {\bf categorical}: $x$ contains elements that can only take discrete
%\item {\bf numeric}: all elements of $x$ take values in $\mathcal{R}$
\item {\bf sparse}: the gradient $f'(x)$ or $f'_i(x)$ (for a separable
function) is sparse
\item {\bf partially differentiable}: the separable gradient $f_i'(x)$ is also
Expand All @@ -327,15 +288,6 @@ \section{Types of Objective Functions}
provide a large set of diverse optimization algorithms for objective functions
with these properties. Below is a list of currently available optimizers:

%% CS: WARNING !!!!
%% CS: can't add more citations without causing the item with SGD variants
%% CS: to overflow into 3 lines.
%% CS: this causes a cascade effect of mucking up the entire layout of
%% CS: the paper, causing the main text to spill over to 7 pages.
%% CS: the citations below should be sufficient;
%% CS: this is a workshop paper, not a journal article

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,12 +316,6 @@ \section{Types of Objective Functions}
Conditional Gradient Descent,
Frank-Wolfe algorithm~\cite{Frank_1956},
Simulated Annealing~\cite{kirkpatrick1983optimization}

% These were a part of mlpack but not ensmallen.
%\item {\bf Objective functions:} Neural Networks, Logistic regression,
% Matrix completion, Neighborhood Components Analysis, Regularized SVD,
% Reinforcement learning, Softmax regression, Sparse autoencoders,
% Sparse SVM

In \texttt{\small ensmallen}'s framework, if a user wants to optimize a differentiable objective
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,10 +380,9 @@ \section{Example: Learning Linear Regression Models}
point and response $(x_i, y_i)$. To fit this model $\theta \in \mathcal{R}^d$
to the data, we must find

%% CS: i've added \nolimits to save a bit of space
\argmindown_\theta f(\theta) = %% CS: for clarity
\argmindown_\theta f(\theta) =
\argmindown_\theta \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n (y_i - x_i \theta)^2 =
\argmindown_\theta \| y - X \theta \|_F^2.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,7 +484,6 @@ \section{Automatic Metaprogramming for Ease of Use and Efficiency}
with an implementation of \texttt{\small EvaluateWithGradient()}
that computes {\small $(y - X \theta)$} only once:

Expand All @@ -551,7 +495,6 @@ \section{Automatic Metaprogramming for Ease of Use and Efficiency}

Template metaprogramming techniques are automatically used to
detect which methods exist, and a wrapper class will use suitable mix-ins in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,8 +532,6 @@ \section{Automatic Metaprogramming for Ease of Use and Efficiency}
and \texttt{\small EvaluateWithGradient()}. We aim to expand this support to other
sets of methods for other types of objective functions.

% TODO: anything to write about the visualization page that we had set up?

Expand All @@ -601,10 +542,8 @@ \section{Experiments}
& \texttt{\small ensmallen} & \texttt{\small scipy} & \texttt{\small Optim.jl} & \texttt{\small samin} \\
% TODO: these are just single-run results from Marcus' laptop! We need to do
% 10 and average.
default & {\bf 0.004s} & 1.069s & 0.021s & 3.173s \\
tuned & & 0.574s & & 3.122s \\ % TODO
tuned & & 0.574s & & 3.122s \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -637,29 +576,8 @@ \section{Experiments}
While another option here might be \texttt{\small simulannealbnd()}
in the Global Optimization Toolkit for MATLAB,
no license was available.
% TODO: get Marcus' system specs.
We ran our code on a MacBook Pro i7 2018 with 16GB RAM running macOS 10.14 with clang 1000.10.44.2, Julia version 1.0.1, Python 2.7.15, and Octave 4.4.1.

% We compare four frameworks%
% %
% \footnote{Another option here might be \texttt{\small simulannealbnd()}
% in the Global Optimization Toolkit for MATLAB.
% However, no license was available for these simulations.}
% %
% for this task:
% \vspace*{-0.3em}
% \begin{itemize}
% \renewcommand{\itemsep}{-0.5ex}
% \item \texttt{\small ensmallen}
% \item \texttt{\small scipy.optimize.anneal}, from scipy 0.14.1~\cite{jones2014scipy}
% \item simulated annealing implementation in \texttt{\small Optim.jl} with Julia
% 1.0.1~\cite{mogensen2018optim}
% \item \texttt{\small samin} in the \texttt{\small optim} package for GNU Octave~\cite{octave}
% \end{itemize}
% \vspace*{-0.3em}

Initially, we implemented these functions as simply as possible and ran them
without any tuning. This reflects how a typical user might interact with a
given framework.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -694,18 +612,6 @@ \section{Experiments}
\texttt{\small Autograd}~\cite{maclaurin2015autograd}
package. For GNU Octave we use the \texttt{\small bfgsmin()} function.

% For \texttt{\small ensmallen} we have 2 versions:
% (i)~with only \texttt{\small EvaluateWithGradient()},
% and
% (ii)~with \texttt{\small Evaluate()} and \texttt{\small Gradient()}.
% The code for these functions is as shown earlier.
% For Julia we have the options of using manually defined objective and gradient functions,
% or the gradient function can be automatically computed by
% \texttt{\small Calculus.jl}
% (\href{}{\footnotesize})
% or \texttt{\small ForwardDiff.jl}~\cite{RevelsLubinPapamarkou2016}.

Results for various data sizes are shown in Table~\ref{tab:lbfgs}. For each
implementation, L-BFGS was allowed to run for only $10$ iterations and never
converged in fewer iterations. The datasets used for training are highly noisy random
Expand All @@ -721,7 +627,6 @@ \section{Experiments}
{\em algorithm} & $d$: 100, $n$: 1k & $d$: 100, $n$: 10k & $d$: 100, $n$:
100k & $d$: 1k, $n$: 100k \\
% TODO: this was only one trial on Ryan's desktop!
\texttt{\small ensmallen}-1 & {\bf 0.001s} & {\bf 0.009s} & {\bf 0.154s} & {\bf 2.215s} \\
\texttt{\small ensmallen}-2 & 0.002s & 0.016s & 0.182s & 2.522s \\
% Dropped for space and awful performance
Expand All @@ -743,7 +648,6 @@ \section{Experiments}
and $d$ indicating the dimensionality of each sample.
All Julia runs do not count compilation time.}

The results indicate that \texttt{\small ensmallen} with \texttt{\small
Expand All @@ -756,17 +660,6 @@ \section{Experiments}
efficient, especially with \texttt{\small ForwardDiff.jl}. We expect this
effect to be more pronounced with increasingly complex objective functions.

% TODO: show flexibility of optimization with learning curves:
% - use LinearRegressionFunction modified for small batches
% - make sure Info or Debug output is on
% - run with a whole boatload of SGD variants
% - parse the output with awk/sed into a csv of objectives per epoch
% - plot it
% - profit!
% Probably a snippet showing the actual code to run with a bunch of different
% optimizers is good too. Other things can be cut to make space.

Lastly, we demonstrate the easy pluggability in \texttt{\small ensmallen}
for using various optimizers on the same task.
Using a version of \texttt{\small LinearRegressionFunction} from Sec.~\ref{sec:linreg_example}
Expand All @@ -778,10 +671,6 @@ \section{Experiments}
yields the learning curves shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:learning_curve}(b).
Any other optimizer for separable differentiable objective
functions can be dropped into place in the same manner.
%% Just because we have some extra space...
%% CS: we need space for the acknowledgement section
% This facilitates the seamless evaluation of various optimizers
% for user-defined objective functions.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -842,39 +731,9 @@ \section{Conclusion}
The library is already in use for function optimization in the
\texttt{\small mlpack} machine learning toolkit~\cite{mlpack2018}.

% RC: I think it's really important to highlight ensmallen's usage (and
% genesis), although I can't find the right words to concisely and non-awkwardly
% say that we wrote ensmallen as part of mlpack originally.
%% CS: good point, though for our purposes i think it's sufficient
%% CS: to simply state that mlpack uses ensmallen.
%% CS: getting into a tangent on the genesis can negatively distract
%% CS: from the central message. besides, there is no room for a proper
%% CS: explanation.
%% CS:
%% CS: I recommend to avoid interchangeably mixing around the words
%% CS: "library", "toolkit", "package" when referring to ensmallen.
%% CS: it's better to consistently stick to "library", and use
%% CS: the other words to refer to other software, such as mlpack.
%% CS: the point is to avoid potential concept clashes
%% CS: (ie. too much overloading on a word), which can lead
%% CS: to confusion as to what exact software we're referring to.

{\bf Acknowledgements.}
We would like to thank the many contributors to \texttt{\small ensmallen},
who are listed on the associated website.

% \subsubsection*{Acknowledgements}
% \vspace*{-0.5em}
% The development team of \texttt{\small ensmallen} does not include just the authors named
% here but also a long list of other contributors. See
% \url{} for more information.
% % TODO: that URL may change

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