Simplify the build of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cloud infrastructure. Use this app to provision and deploy a kubernetes cluster and and build your microservice architecture quickly and easily.
This is a desktop app was built with Electron. This app works only macOS operating system.
This project proposes to build a set of routines to accelerate the creation of an ecosystem in the flow of software development, enabling the automation of the construction of an initial environment for approval and testing of the project, seeking to facilitate the configuration, management, and monitoring of the environments through Kubernetes, container orchestrator, provides stability, scalability and centralized maintenance.
- Install Azure CLI: Azure CLI for macOS
- Install kubectl: kubectl
You can install via brew:
brew install azure-cli
brew install kubernetes-cli
Check on terminal:
az --version kubectl version
Login Azure Subscription
az login
- Get latest Release: Latest
Do yourself:
git clone cd K8sAutomation npm install npm start
Fill out:
- Name of new Resource Group of Azure
- Name of new Azure Container Registry
- Name of new Cluster K8s
- Number of Cluster Nodes
- Name of Location
- Name of VM Size
And press Apply.
- Console:
You can see all information of provisioning steps on console.
For this step you need to use some example like api-mongodb-jenkins-example for deploy pods, services, deployments, etc.
Fill out:
- Name of new Resource Group of Azure
- Name of new Cluster K8s
- Name of new App
- Name of new Service
- Name of new DNS suffix
- Name of location provisioned
And press Apply.
- Console:
You can see all information of deploying steps on console.
- api-mongodb-jenkins-example: API for Documentation using Node.js + MongoDB + Jenkins for CI/CD
- Open the terminal and write:
az group delete -n MyResourceGroup --no-wait
- Original idea of base code shell script by Azure Voting App.
- Original idea of base code electron app by Electron Run Shell Example.
- Original idea of base code bootstrap by Medialoot.
Special thanks to my friends who helped me solve complex architectural and software development problems in this project.
“Thank you to all who have contributed in this great work”