This repository contains the React-based frontend code for the RTG single page application.
This project is built using create-react-app.
Material UI has been added as CSS Framework as described here.
Sass support has been configured as described here.
Implementation of authentication and authorisation is inspired by this approach.
- Manually test if everything is still running, without upgrading ...
- Upgrade to Material UI 5.x
- Check lib-upgrades branch
- Make npm i work with more recent node LTS, removing and re-creating package-lock.json fails currently
- Cookie Consent according to legal requirements
- As only technically required cookies are being used (for e.g. session and login), this should be rather straightforward
- Minor redesign (new colour palette, fonts, images)
- Fix minor (but numerous) linter complaints
- Minor facelift, e.g. exchange some pictures (with own pictures?)
- Find replacements for some apparently unmaintained NPM modules
- canvas-toBlob
- hsl-to-hex
- jwt-decode
- verge
- Look to improve page speed for home page
- Performance improvements on bet page (look for unnecessary render cycles and state updates)
- Try out new styling approach coming with Material UI 3.5.1
- Known Bugs:
- Drawer Menu is too wide in desktop breakpoints --> due to changed matchMedia events, which are registered in GameCard. Move to more cross-cutting, top level component?
- Header display/disappearance is not animated anymore (AppBar overwrites CSS properties in Header.scss)
- Ideas for small improvements:
- Allow admins to enter results in the UI
- Place info about open bets to the very top
- Show quotes from bwin or similar below games (also get results from there?)