The task has been completed using Python 3.8 and Django 2.2.9.
Django has been used to create a candidate class and a Score Class.
The import and sort scripts have been written in pure Python.
- Pyhon 3.8 is installed on the machine and available from the CLI as python38
- Virtualenvwrapper is installed
create a folder and clone the repo into it
mkdir arctic-shores cd arctic-shores git clone .
Create a Virtual Enviroment and then activate it
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python38 venv . venv/bin/activate
install the requirements
pip install requirements.txt
create the database and admin user
python migrate python createsuperuser
Start the Django Webserver
python runserver
the script assumes that the csv is in the files folder and is called candidates.csv
The code displays a message advising if a result has been added, If the Candidate reference is invalid(In this case Candiate is not created) and if the score is outside of the range (0.0-100.0)
The script imports the json file and sorted the results by score before outputting to a csv file called sorted.csv(this is created in the files folder)