Process data releases from UK Biobank.
Download your .enc
encoded phenotype file and .key
keyfile from the AMS Portal.
Process new UKB releases into tables in DuckDB, organised by category with a built-in data dictionary.
Download UKB programs
mkdir bin
wget -nd -P bin
wget -nd -P bin
wget -nd -P bin
for bin in bin/*; do
chmod 755 $bin
Install required R libraries
Rscript -e "install.packages(c('dplyr', 'readr', 'tidyr', 'stringr', 'lubridate', 'snakecase', 'remotes'))"
Rscript -e "remotes::install_version('duckdb', '0.7.1-1')"
should load the version of R where the DuckDB library has been installed. See nf-core/configs for possible information on your system.
Run the workflow on a UKB release download and key file.
nextflow run \
-c custom.config \
-resume \
--enc ukb12345.enc \
--key k1234r12345.key
The database is written out to the release
Work with the database tables using dbplyr
con = dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir="release/ukb12345.duckdb", read_only=TRUE)
# read in the the data dictionary
dictionary <- tbl(con, 'Dictionary')
# get a list of tables
## [1] "AlgorithmicallyDefinedOutcomes" "BaselineCharacteristics"
## [3] "BiologicalSampling" "BloodAssays"
## [5] "CancerRegister" "CognitiveFunction"
## [7] "CognitiveFunctionOnline" "DeathRegister"
## [9] "Dictionary" "DietByHourRecall"
## [11] "DigestiveHealth" "ExperienceOfPain"
## [13] "FirstOccurrences" "Genotypes"
## [15] "HospitalInpatient" "Imaging"
## [17] "LocalEnvironment" "MentalHealth"
## [19] "OngoingCharacteristics" "PhysicalActivityMeasurement"
## [21] "PhysicalMeasures" "PrimaryCare"
## [23] "ProceduralMetrics" "Recruitment"
## [25] "SampleInventory" "Touchscreen"
## [27] "UrineAssays" "VerbalInterview"
## [29] "WorkEnvironment"
# find which table a field is
dictionary |>
filter(FieldID == 4598) |>
select(Table, FieldID, Field)
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
## # Database: DuckDB 0.7.1 [R 4.1.2/release/ukb12345.duckdb]
## Table FieldID Field
## <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Touchscreen 4598 Ever depressed for a whole week
# get the Touchscreen table
touchscreen <- tbl(con, 'Touchscreen')
# work with the table using normal dplyr functions
touchscreen |>
## # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
## # Database: DuckDB 0.7.1 [R 4.1.2/release/ukb12345.duckdb]
## f.4598.0.0 n
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 NA 329735
## 2 Yes 89351
## 3 No 78777
## 4 Do not know 3876
## 5 Prefer not to answer 650
# close the database
dbDisconnect(con, shutdown=TRUE)
pip install duckdb
Use the Python API [Reference]
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
# connect to the database
con = duckdb.connect(database='release/ukb12345.duckdb', read_only=True)
# get the Dictionary table
dictionary = con.table('Dictionary')
# find the table a particular field is in
dictionary.filter('FieldID == 4598').to_df()[['Table', 'FieldID', 'Field']]
## Table FieldID Field
## 0 Touchscreen 4598.0 Ever depressed for a whole week
# get the touchscreen table
touchscreen = con.table('Touchscreen')
# summarise the data
touchscreen.aggregate('"f.4598.0.0", count("f.4598.0.0")').to_df()
## f.4598.0.0 count("f.4598.0.0")
## 0 NaN 0
## 1 No 78777
## 2 Yes 89351
## 3 Do not know 3876
## 4 Prefer not to answer 650
# close the database