This repo is for sharing code as part of blog post series at Mitul Suthar's Blog
- New features added as I learn new things.
- Angular and TypeScript for client-side code
- Bootstrap for layout and styling
To follow along this journey of building and learning:
- Blog Post Series documenting journey Building app using Angular and ASP.NET Core 2.1
- GitHub for downloading code as it is baked fresh A100 GitHub Repo
- Website hosted on Azure A100
Add comment to Blog posts or open GitHub issues regarding giving me feedback and improving my learning experience.
Twitter @mitulsuthar
- A1 - Initial Setup, Create Product Components
- A2 - Creating Forms and hosting on GitHub
- A3 - Form Validation
- A4 - Posting Form, Server-Side Validation, Displaying Error Messages
- A5 - Services and Dependency Injection
- A6 - Cleanup, Host on Azure, CI and CD Pipeline, edit
- A7 - Bootstrap 4, SASS, Cleanup and Refactoring
- A8 - SASS and Responsive Layout
- A9 - Font-awesome, Pagination and Layout
- A10 - Services, Events and Cross Component Communication
- A11 - Services and Component Refactoring
- A12 - Building Shopping Cart
- A13 - Update Shopping Cart Item Quantity
- A14 - Responsive Product Card and Shopping Cart
- A15 - Route Resolvers and Child Routes
- A16 - Reactive Forms
- A17 - Reactive Forms Validation
- A18 - Reactive Forms Submitting Data
- A19 - Review Order Details
- A20 - Upgrading to Angular 7 and ASP.NET Core
- A21 - Adding docker support to ASP.NET Core SPA Application