seal_lib is a Rust crate containing common functions for processing Intermediate Log Format (ILF)
Include this library in any SEAL project with the following line in your Cargo.toml
seal_lib = { git = "ssh://[email protected]:mitre/seal_lib.git" }
You might need to help Cargo authenticate with gitlab when trying to install this library.
On Mac/Linux you can do the below command to add your Gitlab SSH keys to ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh
If those steps didn't work, or you're on windows, check this link for more information:
If you need to install a Rust project that uses this repo as a dependency, but you're offline or don't have MITRE gitlab access, you can tell Cargo to use a local copy of seal_lib using the following steps:
- Clone a local copy of this repository to your offline machine
- Add this snippet to the
, replacing seal_lib_path with the relative path to the local copy.
seal_lib = { path = "seal_lib_path" }
Run cargo build
to build the binary file.
ilf_checker --ilf-file <ilf-file>
Pass the path to an ILF file as input. The tool will print parse errors if any ILF are malformed.
ilf_checker --ilf-file /path/to/file.ilf
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Public Release Case Number 24-3961.