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simplify msv proofs by relying on Func class
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sanjit-bhat committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent 9cc3891 commit 95f892c
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 90 deletions.
118 changes: 28 additions & 90 deletions src/program_proof/pav/core.v
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Expand Up @@ -59,83 +59,25 @@ Section msv_core.
(* maximum sequence of versions. *)
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !pavG Σ}.

Definition lat_pk_comm_reln (lat_pk : lat_val_ty) (lat_comm : lat_opaque_val_ty) : iProp Σ :=
match lat_pk, lat_comm with
| Some (ep0, pk), Some (ep1, comm) =>
"%Heq_ep" ∷ ⌜ ep0 = ep1 ⌝ ∗
"#His_comm" ∷ is_comm pk comm
| None, None => True
| _, _ => False

Definition msv_core_aux (m : adtr_map_ty) uid (vals : list opaque_map_val_ty) : iProp Σ :=
"%Hlt_vals" ∷ ⌜ length vals < 2^64 ⌝ ∗
(∀ (ver : w64) val,
"%Hlook_ver" ∷ ⌜ vals !! (uint.nat ver) = Some val ⌝ -∗
∃ label,
("#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid ver label ∗
"%Hin_map" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = Some val ⌝)).

Definition msv_core m uid vals : iProp Σ :=
Definition msv_core (m : adtr_map_ty) uid vals : iProp Σ :=
∃ label,
"#Hmsv_aux" ∷ msv_core_aux m uid vals ∗
"#Hhist" ∷ ([∗ list] ver ↦ val ∈ vals,
∃ label,
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 ver) label ∗
"%Hin_prev" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = Some val ⌝) ∗
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 $ length vals) label ∗
"%Hnin_next" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = None ⌝.

(* TODO: upstream. *)
Lemma lookup_snoc {A} (l : list A) (x : A) :
(l ++ [x]) !! (length l) = Some x.
Proof. by opose proof (proj2 (lookup_snoc_Some x l (length l) x) _) as H; [naive_solver|]. Qed.

Lemma msv_core_aux_snoc m uid l x :
"#Hmsv_aux" ∷ msv_core_aux m uid (l ++ [x]) -∗
(∃ label,
"#Hmsv_aux" ∷ msv_core_aux m uid l ∗
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 $ length l) label ∗
"%Hin_lat" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = Some x ⌝).
iNamed 1. iNamed "Hmsv_aux". rewrite app_length in Hlt_vals. list_simplifier.
iDestruct ("Hmsv_aux" $! (W64 $ length l) with "[]") as "Hlat".
{ rewrite nat_thru_w64_id; [|lia]. iPureIntro. apply lookup_snoc. }
iNamed "Hlat". iFrame "#%". iSplit. { iPureIntro. lia. }
iIntros "*". iNamed 1. iSpecialize ("Hmsv_aux" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_app_l; [exact Hlook_ver|by eapply lookup_lt_Some]. }
iFrame "#".

Lemma msv_core_aux_agree m uid vals0 vals1 :
("#Hmsv_aux0" ∷ msv_core_aux m uid vals0 ∗
"#Hmsv_aux1" ∷ msv_core_aux m uid vals1 ∗
"%Heq_len" ∷ ⌜ length vals0 = length vals1 ⌝) -∗
⌜ vals0 = vals1 ⌝.
revert vals1. induction vals0 as [|x0 l0 IH] using rev_ind;
destruct vals1 as [|x1 l1 _] using rev_ind; iNamed 1.
- done.
- rewrite length_app/= in Heq_len. lia.
- rewrite length_app/= in Heq_len. lia.
- rewrite !length_app/= in Heq_len.
iRename "Hmsv_aux0" into "HM0". iRename "Hmsv_aux1" into "HM1".
iDestruct (msv_core_aux_snoc with "HM0") as "H". iNamedSuffix "H" "0".
iDestruct (msv_core_aux_snoc with "HM1") as "H". iNamedSuffix "H" "1".
assert (length l0 = length l1) as HT by lia.
iEval (rewrite HT) in "His_label0". clear HT.
iDestruct (is_vrf_func (_, _) with "His_label0 His_label1") as %->.
simplify_map_eq/=. specialize (IH l1).
iDestruct (IH with "[$Hmsv_aux0 $Hmsv_aux1]") as %->. { iPureIntro. lia. }

Lemma msv_core_len_agree_aux m uid vals0 vals1 :
("#Hmsv0" ∷ msv_core m uid vals0 ∗
"#Hmsv1" ∷ msv_core m uid vals1 ∗
"%Hlt_len" ∷ ⌜ length vals0 < length vals1 ⌝) -∗
iNamed 1. iNamedSuffix "Hmsv0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hmsv1" "1". iNamed "Hmsv_aux1".
list_elem vals1 (uint.nat (length vals0)) as val.
iSpecialize ("Hmsv_aux1" with "[]"). { iPureIntro. exact Hval_lookup. }
iNamed "Hmsv_aux1".
iNamed 1. iNamedSuffix "Hmsv0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hmsv1" "1".
list_elem vals1 (length vals0) as val.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hhist1") as "H"; [exact Hval_lookup|].
iNamed "H".
iDestruct (is_vrf_func (_, _) with "His_label0 His_label") as %->.
Expand All @@ -158,46 +100,42 @@ Lemma msv_core_agree m uid vals0 vals1 :
"#Hmsv1" ∷ msv_core m uid vals1) -∗
⌜ vals0 = vals1 ⌝.
iNamed 1. iApply msv_core_aux_agree.
iPoseProof "Hmsv0" as "Hmsv0'". iPoseProof "Hmsv1" as "Hmsv1'".
iNamedSuffix "Hmsv0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hmsv1" "1". iFrame "#".
iApply msv_core_len_agree. iFrame "Hmsv0' Hmsv1'".
iNamed 1.
iDestruct (msv_core_len_agree _ _ vals0 vals1 with "[$Hmsv0 $Hmsv1]") as %?.
iNamedSuffix "Hmsv0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hmsv1" "1".
iApply (big_sepL_func_eq with "Hhist0 Hhist1"); [|done].
rewrite /Func. iIntros "*". iNamedSuffix 1 "0". iNamedSuffix 1 "1".
iDestruct (is_vrf_func (_,_) with "His_label0 His_label1") as %->. naive_solver.

End msv_core.

Section msv.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !pavG Σ}.

Definition pk_comm_reln (lat_pk : lat_val_ty) (lat_comm : lat_opaque_val_ty) : iProp Σ :=
match lat_pk, lat_comm with
| Some (ep0, pk), Some (ep1, comm) =>
"%Heq_ep" ∷ ⌜ ep0 = ep1 ⌝ ∗
"#His_comm" ∷ is_comm pk comm
| None, None => True
| _, _ => False

Definition msv (adtr_γ : gname) (ep uid : w64) (lat : lat_val_ty) : iProp Σ :=
∃ (m : adtr_map_ty) (vals : list opaque_map_val_ty),
"%Hlen_vals" ∷ ⌜ length vals < 2^64 ⌝ ∗
"#Hcomm_reln" ∷ lat_pk_comm_reln lat (last vals) ∗
"#Hpk_comm_reln" ∷ pk_comm_reln lat (last vals) ∗
"#Hmap" ∷ mono_list_idx_own adtr_γ (uint.nat ep) m ∗
"#Hhist" ∷ ([∗ list] ver ↦ val ∈ vals,
∃ label,
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 ver) label ∗
"%Hin_map" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = Some val ⌝) ∗
"#Hbound" ∷
(∃ label,
"#His_label" ∷ is_vrf uid (W64 $ length vals) label ∗
"%Hnin_map" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = None ⌝).
"#Hmsv_core" ∷ msv_core m uid vals.

Lemma msv_agree γ ep uid lat0 lat1 :
("#Hmsv0" ∷ msv γ ep uid lat0 ∗
"#Hmsv1" ∷ msv γ ep uid lat1) -∗
⌜ lat0 = lat1 ⌝.
iNamed 1. iNamedSuffix "Hmsv0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hmsv1" "1".
iDestruct (mono_list_idx_agree with "Hmap0 Hmap1") as %->.
iClear "Hmap0 Hmap1".
iDestruct (msv_core_agree with "[]") as %->; [iSplit|].
{ iNamed "Hbound0". iFrame "#%". iClear "His_label". iIntros "*". iNamed 1.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hhist0") as "H"; [exact Hlook_ver|].
iNamed "H". iEval (rewrite w64_to_nat_id) in "His_label". iFrame "#%". }
{ iNamed "Hbound1". iFrame "#%". iClear "His_label". iIntros "*". iNamed 1.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hhist1") as "H"; [exact Hlook_ver|].
iNamed "H". iEval (rewrite w64_to_nat_id) in "His_label". iFrame "#%". }
iDestruct (mono_list_idx_agree with "Hmap0 Hmap1") as %->. iClear "Hmap0 Hmap1".
iDestruct (msv_core_agree _ _ vals vals0 with "[$Hmsv_core0 $Hmsv_core1]") as %->.
destruct lat0 as [[??]|], lat1 as [[??]|], (last vals0) as [[??]|]; [|done..].
iNamedSuffix "Hcomm_reln0" "0". iNamedSuffix "Hcomm_reln1" "1".
iDestruct (is_comm_inj with "His_comm0 His_comm1") as %->. naive_solver.
Expand Down

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