I created this project as a part of tech evaluation in first two weeks of internship at a startup.
- Earlier I built the project completely using Django.
- You can see the project here : code
- Demo live site link : site
- I was asked to use React.js as front-end for the same project.
- So, the choice was to convert back-end Django code to REST APIs which React.js would call from front-end.
- The front-end is built in React.js and Django REST APIs are used to interact with backend.
I was new to Django REST framework and React.js both. So, I learned both of them and built this project.
This sample application contains limited features and therefore can be updated to include new ones.
- It is basically like a mini-feeds app like LinkedIn or Facebook where user can create post and other users can see, comment.
- folder is django project folder (that one withsettings.py
- folder is django api app folderfrontend-reactjs
- folder contains all frontend React.js code
- User can create post including text and file of any type.
- On Feed page user can see posts of all other users with details like created by, created on, post, comments.
- If file in post is video/image it will be displayed along with the post using html
- User can filter the post using two filters : keyword in post or created_by user id
- Pagination at bottom for post page. (Pagination done at React.js side and not Django back-end side)
- User can comment on other posts.
- Login/Logout feature with API token management.
- After logging, the API endpoint will return an auth token.
- It will be stored on browser session storage.
- For all subsequent POST requests, this token will be passed in request header for authentication.
- After logging out, the auth token will expire and removed from backend database.
- All further POST requests will consider this token as invalid.
- Each client (mobile, desktop, etc) will receive a new token on login even for same user.
- All thanks to django-rest-knox library
- Django - Python framework for web application
- djangorestframework - framework for making REST APIs in Django
- HTML - for building structure of web pages
- W3.CSS - CSS framework which is similar to Bootstrap
- python-decouple - Python library for separating secret setting parameters of project from source code
- dj_database_url - Python library to simplify database connection values
- django-cors-headers - Python library for allowing CORS request to Django REST APIs
- django-rest-knox - Python library for auth token management for API calls
- PythonAnywhere - for deployment of django application, serving static & media files
- React.js - JavaScript library for building UI
- axios - JavaScript library for calling API endpoints from React.js
- react-js-pagination - for managing pagination at React.js side
- Firebase Hosting - for deployment of React.js app
- Sublime Text Editor - for writing code
- Git - for version control
The project is live at site
You can see the documentation of APIs at docs