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add AZTEK trajectory
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DlWAT authored Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 9951fc6 commit bb6bdb9
Showing 1 changed file with 231 additions and 0 deletions.
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions src/mrinufft/trajectories/
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@

import math

from .tools import conify, duplicate_along_axes, epify, precess, stack
from .trajectory2D import initialize_2D_radial, initialize_2D_spiral
from .utils import KMAX, Packings, Spirals, initialize_shape_norm, initialize_tilt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +240,234 @@ def initialize_3D_park_radial(
return trajectory

def initialize_AZTEK_trajectory(Nc: int, Ns: int, twist: float, shuffle: float, speed: int) -> NDArray:
Compute the 3D radial trajectory for AZTEK imaging.
The radial shots are oriented according to an adaptive zero TE k-space trajectory,
which sustains the sequence overall 3D radial trajectory in k-space. This function
generates the amplitude values of the three gradient components Gx, Gy, Gz, and the
orientation sign.
Nc : int
Number of shots (spokes).
Ns : int
Number of samples per shot (spoke).
twist : float
Twist parameter for trajectory.
shuffle : float
Shuffle parameter for trajectory.
speed : int
Speed parameter for trajectory.
3D matrix containing the trajectory points.
.. [Boucneau+20] Boucneau, Tanguy, Brice Fernandez, Florent Besson,
Anne Menini, Florian Wiesinger, Emmanuel Durand, Caroline Caramella,
Luc Darrasse, and Xavier Maître.
"AZTEK: Adaptive Zero TE K-space trajectories."
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2020.

scale_factor = 1

gx, gy, gz = [0] * Nc, [0] * Nc, [0] * Nc
max_gradient = [MAX_GRADIENT]

# Constants
goldenRatioInv = 2 / (1 + math.sqrt(5)) # Inverse of the golden ratio
tmp_scale = MAX_GRADIENT / scale_factor # Temporary scaling factor

# Set maximum gradient amplitude
max_gradient[0] = MAX_GRADIENT

# Compute number of phi angles
N_phi = math.ceil(2 * math.sqrt(Nc) / (1 + twist))
N_phi_corrShift = 13 # Correction shift for phi angles

# Adjust correction shift if necessary
if N_phi < (2 * N_phi_corrShift):
N_phi_corrShift = 1
if N_phi % 2 == 1:
N_phi_corrShift += 1

# Compute golden ratio adjustments
goldenRatioAccDecim = [0.0] * (2 * N_phi_corrShift)
for n in range(N_phi_corrShift):
goldenRatioAcc = goldenRatioInv * (N_phi + 2 * n - N_phi_corrShift + 1)
goldenRatioAccDecim[n] = math.floor(goldenRatioAcc) - goldenRatioAcc
goldenRatioAccDecim[N_phi_corrShift + n] = math.ceil(goldenRatioAcc) - goldenRatioAcc

# Find the best golden ratio adjustment
m = 0
bestGoldenRatioAccDecim = goldenRatioAccDecim[m]
for n in range(1, 2 * N_phi_corrShift):
if abs(goldenRatioAccDecim[n]) < abs(goldenRatioAccDecim[m]):
m = n
bestGoldenRatioAccDecim = goldenRatioAccDecim[m]

# Adjust N_phi and compute golden ratio correction
N_phi += 2 * (m % N_phi_corrShift) - N_phi_corrShift + 1
goldenRatioCorr = bestGoldenRatioAccDecim / N_phi

# Compute mean number of theta angles per phi
mean_N_theta = Nc / N_phi
dPhi = 2 * math.pi / N_phi # Delta phi
twist_factor = (twist * N_phi) / 4 # Twist factor

# Initialize theta and phi arrays
theta = [0.0] * Nc
phi = [0.0] * Nc
nbThetaTable = [0] * N_phi # Number of theta angles per phi
nbThetaTableCumul = [0] * (N_phi + 1) # Cumulative sum of theta angles
nbThetaTableCumul[0] = 0
N_theta_cumul = 0
theta_pos_shift = 0.5 # Initial shift for theta positions

# Compute theta and phi angles
for i_phi in range(N_phi):
N_theta = math.ceil((i_phi + 1) * mean_N_theta) - math.ceil(i_phi * mean_N_theta)
for i_theta in range(N_theta):
theta_pos = (i_theta + theta_pos_shift) / N_theta
thetaTmp = math.acos(1 - 2 * theta_pos)
theta[N_theta_cumul + i_theta] = thetaTmp
phi[N_theta_cumul + i_theta] = (i_phi + twist_factor * math.cos(thetaTmp)) * dPhi

# Update theta position shift
theta_pos_shift += goldenRatioInv + goldenRatioCorr
theta_pos_shift -= math.floor(theta_pos_shift)

# Update theta table and cumulative sum
nbThetaTable[i_phi] = N_theta
nbThetaTableCumul[i_phi + 1] = nbThetaTableCumul[i_phi] + N_theta
N_theta_cumul += N_theta

# Compute shuffle step and initialize shuffle selection
shufflePhiStep = N_phi * (0.5 + shuffle * (goldenRatioInv - 0.5))
phiSelected = [0] * N_phi
i_phi_shuffle_double = -shufflePhiStep
i_phi_shuffle = 0
N_theta_cumul = 0

# Temporary arrays for gradient scales
gxSTmp = [0] * Nc
gySTmp = [0] * Nc
gzSTmp = [0] * Nc

# Compute gradient scales
for i_phi in range(N_phi):
i_phi_shuffle_double += shufflePhiStep
i_phi_shuffle = math.floor(i_phi_shuffle_double)
i_phi_shuffle %= N_phi
counter = 0
increment = 0

# Find the next unselected phi angle
while phiSelected[i_phi_shuffle] == 1:
counter += 1
increment = counter * (1 - 2 * ((counter - 1) % 2))
i_phi_shuffle += increment
if i_phi_shuffle < 0:
i_phi_shuffle += N_phi
i_phi_shuffle %= N_phi

i_phi_shuffle_double += increment
if i_phi_shuffle_double < 0:
i_phi_shuffle_double += N_phi

# Compute gradient scales for the selected phi angle
for i_theta_shuffle in range(nbThetaTable[i_phi_shuffle]):
gradPos = N_theta_cumul + i_theta_shuffle
if i_phi % 2 == 0:
angPos = nbThetaTableCumul[i_phi_shuffle] + i_theta_shuffle
angPos = nbThetaTableCumul[i_phi_shuffle + 1] - 1 - i_theta_shuffle

gxSTmp[gradPos] = int(tmp_scale * (math.sin(theta[angPos]) * math.cos(phi[angPos])))
gySTmp[gradPos] = int(tmp_scale * (math.sin(theta[angPos]) * math.sin(phi[angPos])))
gzSTmp[gradPos] = int(tmp_scale * math.cos(theta[angPos]))

phiSelected[i_phi_shuffle] = 1
N_theta_cumul += nbThetaTable[i_phi_shuffle]

# Apply speed ordering
speed += 1
totSpkOverSpdFac = Nc // speed
totSpkModSpdFac = Nc % speed

speedOrder = [0] * speed
speedOrderSelected = [0] * speed

# Compute speed order
speedOrder_double = 0
goldenRatioSpeedStep = speed * goldenRatioInv
for n in range(speed):
speedOrder_double += goldenRatioSpeedStep
speedOrder[n] = math.floor(speedOrder_double)
speedOrder[n] %= speed
counter = 0
increment = 0

# Find the next unselected speed order
while speedOrderSelected[speedOrder[n]] == 1:
counter += 1
increment = counter * (1 - 2 * ((counter - 1) % 2))
speedOrder[n] += increment
if speedOrder[n] < 0:
speedOrder[n] += speed
speedOrder[n] %= speed

speedOrder_double += increment
if speedOrder_double < 0:
speedOrder_double += speed

speedOrderSelected[speedOrder[n]] = 1

# Apply speed correction
speedOrderCorr = [0] * speed
for n in range(speed):
if speedOrder[n] > 0:
for m in range(speedOrder[n]):
for p in range(totSpkModSpdFac):
if m == speedOrder[p]:
speedOrderCorr[n] += 1

# Reorder gradients based on speed
for n in range(Nc):
nModSpdFac = n % speed
nWithSpdFac = n // speed + speedOrder[nModSpdFac] * totSpkOverSpdFac + speedOrderCorr[nModSpdFac]

gx[nWithSpdFac] = gxSTmp[n]
gy[nWithSpdFac] = gySTmp[n]
gz[nWithSpdFac] = gzSTmp[n]

# Normalize the gradients to be within -0.5 to 0.5
max_val = max(max(abs(max(gx)), abs(min(gx))), max(abs(max(gy)), abs(min(gy))), max(abs(max(gz)), abs(min(gz))))
gx = [g / (2 * max_val) for g in gx]
gy = [g / (2 * max_val) for g in gy]
gz = [g / (2 * max_val) for g in gz]

trajectory = np.zeros((Nc, Ns, 3))

for i in range(Nc):
for j in range(Ns):
fraction = (j + 1) / Ns
trajectory[i, j, 0] = gx[i] * fraction
trajectory[i, j, 1] = gy[i] * fraction
trajectory[i, j, 2] = gz[i] * fraction

return trajectory

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