gGRAPPA is a Python package allowing GRAPPA reconstruction of k-space data, with batching capabilities allowing huge files to be reconstructed on GPU.
- GRAPPA Reconstruction: Efficiently reconstructs MRI images using the GRAPPA algorithm, which improves imaging speed while maintaining quality.
- GPU Acceleration: Utilizes CUDA for GPU acceleration to speed up computation, with various CUDA modes to balance performance and memory usage.
- Batch Processing: Processes reconstruction as batched windows to allow GPU acceleration for large data.
- Flexible Kernel Size: Supports customizable GRAPPA kernel sizes to suit various needs.
- Precomputed Kernels: Allows the use of precomputed GRAPPA kernels for faster reconstruction, or computes them on-the-fly if not provided.
- Generalized GRAPPA: CAIPIRINHA support (still WIP)
- Masking: Allow use of a binary mask to focus reconstruction on specific regions of interest.
To install this package, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository
First, clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:mbertrait/ggrappa.git
Navigate to the Project Directory
cd ggrappa
Install the Package
Install the package and its dependencies using pip:
pip install .