UPDATE: A VM export of the mod has been added to the downloads for Windows and Linux (both include Android), courtesy of DodoBirb from the AM2R Discord Server.
UPDATE 2: DodoBirb has been releasing updated versions of the mod, available here.
The long awaited Multitroid update is finally out!
Gather your friends and try to work together to beat the game while avoiding the SA-X, hunting you in an effort to prevent your escape from the planet.
The SA-X mode is one of the biggest additions to the Multitroid mod yet, adding PVP between teams, new mechanics, and an incredibly fun/terrifying experience for all who play.
There are two teams in the mode; the Fusion team, and the SA-X team; with each one having their own strengths and weaknesses.
Fusion players start off with no additional upgrades at the ship like the base game, except for the inclusion of Ice missiles, which will greatly aid them in their survival against the SA-X. Your objective as a member of Team Fusion is to beat the game as normal without dying to an SA-X. If an SA-X kills you, it’s game over, but you may return as a spectator.
SA-X players start off in the far left Hornoad room at the GFS Thoth, with all major items besides Gravity enabled, and some minor items (4 E-Tanks, 4 Missile Tanks, 2 Super Missile Tanks, and 1 Power Bomb tank). Your objective as a member of Team SA-X is to eliminate all Fusion players before they complete the game, if you’re killed as an SA-X you’ll respawn back at the Hornoad room.
Some of the new mechanics introduced in this mode will aid both players in the pursuit to complete their team’s objective, such as:
An enemy player scanner is now situated next to the Metroid Counter location, the scanner's waves will become larger and faster the closer an enemy player is to you.
The SA-X has a modified version of the Metroid Counter: The Samus Counter. It will show how many Fusion players are still alive.
Ice Beam and Ice Missiles freeze players who do not have the Gravity suit enabled with Varia collected, this can be utilized to temporarily halt the Sa-X and try to escape, or freeze a Fusion player to deal extra damage to them with missiles.
Power bombs have been nerfed by putting them on a 10 second timer. This keeps them from being overwhelmingly overpowered. Wave beam’s rate of fire has also been nerfed. This was done to prevent players from having beams spammed at them through walls.
Have all players join and wait on the main menu.
Click the “SA-X MODE” button on the server to enable the mode and randomly assign players to teams. After the mode is enabled here, you can manually rearrange players here, BUT MAKE SURE PLAYERS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BEGIN PLAYING WHILE YOU ARE DOING THIS!!!!!
After enabling the mode and assigning teams, this is when you would set your other options like a random seed, difficulty, etc.
After everything is set, allow players to spawn in (including yourself) and have them wait before doing anything else.
Once all players have spawned in and you see “Ready” to the side of their name in the server, click the “LOCK/UNLOCK LOBBY” button, ensure the lobby state is set to “Locked,” and then the round may begin. THIS IS ESSENTIAL IF YOU WANT THE MODE TO WORK CORRECTLY. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LOCK THE LOBBY BEFORE BEGINNING OR VERY WEIRD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE IF IT IS NOT LOCKED.
When everyone is back on the main menu after the end of a match, you may click the “SA-X MODE” button again to disable the mode (maybe hit the reset button while you're here just in case), and then repeat from step 1 if you wish to play another round.
Other Additions
- Added a toggle in the server gui to enable experimental changes for SA-X mode
- Gives the SA-X all items except for gravity so that they can focus solely on chasing players
- Gives the SA-X an extra 25% damage
- Increases overall maximum damage scaling to 6x damage
- Sets a 30 second cooldown on using a save station after escaping from an encounter
- Removes wave beam rate-of-fire nerf
- Made SA-X music swappable
- Removed death warping, meaning all fusion player deaths will be permanent no matter how they died
- Game now skips straight to the ending screen instead of playing the whole credits when a round ends
- Fixed F4 respawn bug
- Fixed players not being visible while waiting for the lobby to be locked
- Fixed the SA-X being able to enter the ship to end the game after the hatchling is collected
- Fixed players not being able to enter the ship if an SA-X is near the ship after collecting the hatchling
- Attempted to fix spectators ending up on the title screen and map
- Fixed all progress resetting for a few seconds when someone joins or rejoins
- Attempted to fix weird crash from map cursor shenanigans
- Fixed the server saying players are ready when they're in the settings menu and gallery
- Added a 5 second warp pipe cooldown so that players can't spam them
- Fixed SA-X being able to get stuck in the vanilla gravity suit area
- Fixed SA-X giving fusion players their items when they rejoin after a disconnect
- Fixed Linux fullscreen issue
How to play
Enter the server IP, your nametag, and server port in the Multitroid Settings menu and use the connect button. If you still want to use hotkeys: Pressing F1 will make an attempt to connect to the server, F2 will disconnect from the server, and F3 will show the current random seed.
To get random seeds to sync, have the server host generate or enter a seed in the server interface. Changes should take effect immediately, even if players are in-game (probably shouldn't do that unless you're just asking for mass confusion though).
Difficulty and ELM should also be set by the server host, and changes will also take effect immediately.
If you run into any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to @milesthenerd in the AM2R Discord Server!
How to install
Open the launcher, go to the Mod Settings tab, click "Add New Mod," select the mod zip, go back to the Play tab, and install. The steps should be the same for Windows and Linux, and the Android APK can be created on the Play tab.
How to update
Go to the Mod Settings tab, click "Update Mod," then select the mod zip and proceed like you would after an install.
Linux users may run into a segfault or llvm crash. If so, launch the game with R600_DEBUG=mono, R600_DEBUG=vs.ps, or R600_DEBUG=check_vm. It's not a guarantee which one will work, so you'll likely have to try them all.
Link to the AM2R Discord Server as well: https://discord.gg/vCYtbwpR