- Write a program to calculate the sum of even numbers between 1 and 100 using a loop.
- Write a program to calculate the sum of all numbers between two inputted numbers using a loop.
- Write a program to generate the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence using a loop.
- Write a program to check if a given number is a palindrome or not using a loop.
- write a program to find all leap years between 2020 to 2080 using a loop.
- Write a program to find the sum of all prime numbers between two inputted numbers using a loop.
- Write a program to check if a given number is a prime number or not using a loop.
- Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using a loop.
- Write a program to reverse the digits of a given number using a loop.
- Write a program to count the number of digits in a given number using a loop.
- Write a program to calculate the sum of digits in a given number using a loop.
- Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome or not using a loop.
- Write a program to print the sum of the digits of a given number until the sum is a single digit using a loop.
- Write a program to find the largest and smallest numbers in an inputted list using a loop.
- Write a program to sort an inputted list in ascending order using a loop.
- Write a program to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two inputted numbers using a loop.
- Write a program to find the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two inputted numbers using a loop.
- Write a program to convert a decimal number to binary using a loop.
- Write a program to convert a binary number to decimal using a loop.
- Write a program to generate a list of all possible combinations of the elements of an inputted list using a loop.
- Write a program to find the largest element in an array.
- Write a program to find the sum of all elements in an array.
- Write a program to find the average of all elements in an array.
- Write a program to count the number of even and odd elements in an array.
- Write a program to find the second largest element in an array.
- Write a program to sort an array in ascending order.
- Write a program to sort an array in descending order.
- Write a program to reverse an array.
- Write a program to find the frequency of an element in an array.
- Write a program to remove duplicates from an array.
- Write a program to check if two arrays are equal or not.
- Write a program to merge two sorted arrays.
- Write a program to rotate an array to the left.
- Write a program to rotate an array to the right.
- Write a program to find the smallest element in an array.
- Write a program to check if an array is sorted or not.
- Write a program to find the maximum product of any two elements in an array.
- Write a program to find the minimum difference between any two elements in an array.
- Write a program to find the first missing positive integer in an array.
- Write a program to move all negative numbers to the beginning of an array.
- Write a program to move all zeros to the end of an array.
- Write a program to find the largest sum subarray in an array.
- Write a program to find the smallest sum subarray in an array.
- Write a program to find the maximum difference between any two elements in an array.
- Write a program to find the minimum difference between any two elements in two arrays.
- Write a program to perform CRUD operations on a given array using menu-driven program.
- Create a class for a calculator with properties such as current value and operation, and methods such as add and subtract.
- Create a class for a bank account with properties such as account number, balance, and owner.
- Create a class for a person with properties such as name, age, and address.
- Create a class for a car with properties such as make, model, and year.
- Create a class for a circle with properties such as radius, diameter, and area.
- Create a class for a rectangle with properties such as width, height, and area.
- Create a class for a student with properties such as name, age, and grades.
- Create a class for a book with properties such as title, author, and publisher.
- Create a class for a date with properties such as day, month, and year.
- Create a class for a bank with properties such as name and location, and methods such as deposit and withdraw.
- Create a class for a shopping cart with properties such as items and total cost, and methods such as add item and remove item.
- Create a class for a weather forecast with properties such as temperature and conditions.
- Create a class for a restaurant with properties such as menu items and prices, and methods such as order and pay.
- Create a class for a movie with properties such as title, director, and actors.
- Create a class for a playlist with properties such as songs and artists, and methods such as play and shuffle.
- Create a class for a bank loan with properties such as amount, interest rate, and duration, and methods such as calculate interest and repay.
- Create a class for a grocery list with properties such as items and quantities, and methods such as add and remove.
- Create a class for a location with properties such as latitude and longitude, and methods such as find distance and direction.
- Create a class for a timer with properties such as duration and current time, and methods such as start and stop.
- Create a class for a stopwatch with properties such as start time and end time, and methods such as start and stop.
- Create a class for a timer that runs in the background and sends notifications when it's done.
- Create a class for a chat app with properties such as messages and users, and methods such as send message and add user.
- Create a class for a fitness tracker with properties such as workouts and calories burned, and methods such as log workout and calculate calories.
- Create a class for a recipe with properties such as ingredients and instructions, and methods such as add ingredient and cook.
- Create a class for a budget with properties such as income and expenses, and methods such as add expense and calculate balance.
- Create a class for a game with properties such as score and level, and methods such as play and quit.
- Create a class for a to-do list with properties such as tasks and deadlines, and methods such as add task and mark complete.
- Create a class for a calendar with properties such as events and dates, and methods such as add event and remove event.
- Create a class for a timer that runs a specific action when it's done.
- Create a class for a leaderboard with properties such as players and scores, and methods such as add player and update score.
- Create a class for a vehicle with properties such as make, model, and year, and methods such as accelerate and brake.
- Create a class for a bank with properties such as accounts and loans, and methods such as open account and approve loan.
- Create a class for a user with properties such as name, email, and password, and methods such as login and logout.
- Create a class for a game character with properties such as health, inventory, and skills, and methods such as attack and defend.
- Create a class for a shopping cart with properties such as items and prices, and methods such as checkout and apply discount.
- Create a class for a music player with properties such as playlist and volume, and methods such as play and pause.
- Create a class for a ticket booking system with properties such as seats and prices, and methods such as reserve and cancel.
- Create a class for a restaurant with properties such as menu items and orders, and methods such as place order and calculate bill.
- Create a class for a library with properties such as books and borrowers, and methods such as lend book and return book.
- Create a class for a file manager with properties such as files and folders, and methods such as create file and delete file.
- Create a class for a bank account with properties such as account number, balance, and interest rate, and methods such as deposit and withdraw.
- Create a class for a game with properties such as score and level, and methods such as play and save progress.
- Create a class for a vehicle rental system with properties such as vehicles and rental rates, and methods such as rent and return.
- Create a class for a social media platform with properties such as users and posts, and methods such as create post and like post.
- Create a class for a calendar with properties such as events and reminders, and methods such as add event and set reminder.
- Create a class for a weather app with properties such as location and temperature, and methods such as update location and display forecast.
- Create a class for a messaging app with properties such as conversations and messages, and methods such as send message and delete conversation.
- Create a class for a recipe book with properties such as recipes and ingredients, and methods such as add recipe and search recipe.
- Create a class for a blog with properties such as posts and comments, and methods such as create post and moderate comments.
- Create a class for a game engine with properties such as scene and objects, and methods such as update and render.
- Create a class for a stock trading system with properties such as stocks and prices, and methods such as buy stock and sell stock.
- Create a class for a hotel reservation system with properties such as rooms and prices, and methods such as book room and cancel reservation.
- Create a class for a quiz app with properties such as questions and answers, and methods such as take quiz and grade quiz.
- Create a class for a movie theater with properties such as movies and showtimes, and methods such as buy ticket and check availability.
- Create a class for a music streaming service with properties such as songs and artists, and methods such as search and play.
- Create a class for a game lobby with properties such as players and matches, and methods such as join match and leave match.
- Create a class for a ride-sharing app with properties such as drivers and passengers, and methods such as request ride and rate driver.
- Create a class for a task manager with properties such as tasks and deadlines, and methods such as add task and mark complete.
- Create a class for a genetic programming system with properties such as population and fitness function, and methods such as select, mutate, and crossover.
- Create a class for a quantum computer with properties such as qubits and gates, and methods such as apply gate and measure.
- Create a class for a computer vision system with properties such as images and filters, and methods such as detect edges and recognize objects.
- Create a class for a natural language processing system with properties such as text and models, and methods such as tokenize and parse.
- Create a class for a reinforcement learning system with properties such as environment and agent, and methods such as observe and learn.
- Create a class for a distributed computing system with properties such as nodes and messages, and methods such as send and receive.
- Create a class for a compiler with properties such as source code and target code, and methods such as parse and optimize.
- Create a class for a quantum cryptography system with properties such as qubits and keys, and methods such as encode and decode.
- Create a class for a game engine with properties such as entities and components, and methods such as update and render.
- Create a class for a physics simulation system with properties such as objects and forces, and methods such as integrate and resolve constraints.
- Create a class for a data structure library with properties such as arrays and trees, and methods such as insert and search.
- Create a class for a computer algebra system with properties such as expressions and variables, and methods such as simplify and solve.
- Create a class for a quantum field theory simulator with properties such as particles and fields, and methods such as evolve and calculate observables.
- Create a class for a real-time operating system with properties such as tasks and interrupts, and methods such as schedule and dispatch.
- Create a class for a robotics control system with properties such as sensors and actuators, and methods such as sense and act.
- Create a class for a compiler optimization system with properties such as intermediate code and optimized code, and methods such as analyze and transform.
- Create a class for a molecular dynamics simulation system with properties such as particles and potentials, and methods such as integrate and calculate thermodynamic properties.
- Create a class for a computer graphics library with properties such as vertices and shaders, and methods such as draw and rasterize.
- Create a class for a parallel computing system with properties such as threads and synchronization primitives, and methods such as spawn and join.
- Create a class for a quantum error correction system with properties such as qubits and error syndromes, and methods such as detect and correct.
- Create a class for a natural language generation system with properties such as templates and rules, and methods such as generate and render.
- Create a class for a computer vision library with properties such as images and features, and methods such as detect and track.
- Create a class for a distributed database system with properties such as nodes and data partitions, and methods such as replicate and query.
- Create a class for a quantum Monte Carlo simulation system with properties such as particles and wavefunctions, and methods such as sample and estimate observables.
- Create a class for a high-performance computing system with properties such as processors and memory, and methods such as parallelize and optimize.