by this package we are able to connect to all Iranian bank and Paypal with one unique API.
( This Package is now compatible with both 4.* and 5.* versions of Laravel )
Please inform us once you've encountered bug or issue .
Available Banks:
- ASAN PARDAKHT (update from new documents)
- PAY.IR (to use : new \Payir())
- YEKPAY (New)
Run below statements on your terminal :
STEP 1 :
composer require hosseinizadeh/gateway
STEP 2 : Add provider
and facade
in config/app.php
'providers' => [
Hosseinizadeh\Gateway\GatewayServiceProvider::class, // <-- add this line at the end of provider array
'aliases' => [
'Gateway' => Hosseinizadeh\Gateway\Gateway::class, // <-- add this line at the end of aliases array
Step 3:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Hosseinizadeh\Gateway\GatewayServiceProvider5
Step 4:
php artisan migrate
Configuration file is placed in config/gateway.php , open it and enter your banks credential:
You can make connection to bank by several way (Facade , Service container):
try {
$gateway = \Gateway::make(new \Mellat());
// $gateway->setCallback(url('/path/to/callback/route')); You can also change the callback
// setShipmentPrice(10) // optional - just for paypal
// setProductName("My Product") // optional - just for paypal
$refId = $gateway->refId(); // شماره ارجاع بانک
$transID = $gateway->transactionId(); // شماره تراکنش
// در اینجا
// شماره تراکنش بانک را با توجه به نوع ساختار دیتابیس تان
// در جداول مورد نیاز و بسته به نیاز سیستم تان
// ذخیره کنید .
return $gateway->redirect();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
you can call the gateway by these ways :
- Gateway::make(new Mellat());
- Gateway::mellat()
- app('gateway')->make(new Mellat());
- app('gateway')->mellat();
Instead of MELLAT you can enter other banks Name as we introduced above .
In price
method you should enter the price in IRR (RIAL)
and in your callback :
try {
$gateway = \Gateway::verify();
$trackingCode = $gateway->trackingCode();
$refId = $gateway->refId();
$cardNumber = $gateway->cardNumber();
// تراکنش با موفقیت سمت بانک تایید گردید
// در این مرحله عملیات خرید کاربر را تکمیل میکنیم
} catch (\Hosseinizadeh\Gateway\Exceptions\RetryException $e) {
// تراکنش قبلا سمت بانک تاییده شده است و
// کاربر احتمالا صفحه را مجددا رفرش کرده است
// لذا تنها فاکتور خرید قبل را مجدد به کاربر نمایش میدهیم
echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// نمایش خطای بانک
echo $e->getMessage();
for yekpay you can use like this:
try {
$gateway = Gateway::yekpay();
/// can check country return true or false
/// can get exchange currency
$exchange = $gateway->exchange(978,364);
$gateway->setEmail('[email protected]');
$refId = $gateway->refId();
$transID = $gateway->transactionId();
$payurl = $gateway->payurl();
return redirect($payurl);
} catch (YekpayException $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
If you are intrested to developing this package you can help us by these ways :
- Improving documents.
- Reporting issue or bugs.
- Collaboration in writing codes and other banks modules.
This package is extended from PoolPort but we've changed some functionality and improved it .